Vanuatu NAB Search
Youth Challenge Vanuatu is Non-Government Organisation working with Youth People.
Dates to be confirmed. Host organization NDMO and stakeholders including MoCCA to confirm and advise.
The Third 3rd NAB meeting to be held on the 29th of June 2022 at the VMGD Conference Room.
The NAB Secretariat would like to inform you all that the first NAB Meeting for this year is scheduled for Wednesday 23rd February from 9am to 12midday at the VMGD Conference room. Find attached is the draft agenda for the meeting.
We also acknowledge that you all will not be available to attend the meeting at its scheduled date, due to your contracts end, therefore we request that your Acting or Alternate Member from your sector to attend on your behalf.
There is a significant body of research being conducted examining the role of Kastom. As this project is focusing on legal frameworks it will build on existing projects. Key components involve a literature review and conducting a series of interviews. This PhD will be by publication. This will mean that a series of academic journal articles will be written through the projects duration.
This project will add value to understanding in terms of how Customary ( Kastom) Law may be incorporated in to international environmental law pertaining to Global Climate Change Adaptation. As normative frameworks are failing to address this global threat, perhaps Kastom may hold some of the answers as to how people may be reconnected to their life supporting environments.
The Project will contribute to the expansion & development of the Vanuatu Organic Industry and increase the organic famers ‘income’.The project will assist in providing the necessary organization/extension/marketing service support in order to increase the overall quantity, quality and product value, by reinforcing the organic production, processing and marketing activities.
1. To establish a sustainable POET-Com Vanuatu and make it operational for supporting organic farming & farmers in Vanuatu:
a. Supporting (technically, advocacy, organization) organic producers
b. Coordination actions (i.e. internal control, audit..)
c. Sharing & disseminating information..,
d. Establishing a sustainable system for inputs supply (seeds, planting Material, organic pesticides..)
2. To create a sustainable internal control system and streamlining audit operations wishing to establish, maintain and expand organic certification, through the provision of technical support to producers currently organically certified in Vanuatu:a. Optimising audits
b. Facilitating internal control
c. Facilitating the establishment of local PGS (Participatory Guarantee System) for the local organic certification
3. To Elaborate & disseminate information and technical standard through the development of “ Applied Research & Extension Programs” (Media, expertise & Training)on Organic farming practices (identifying problems And providing “Organic” solutions) and facilitation market access (information):a) fertility management, b) Pest & diseases control, c) seeds & Planting Materials propagation, d) market outlets
a) Supporting farmers/POET Com members in identifying issues and developing on Farm trials, documenting results/developing extension materials in farmer friendly ways
The project builds on a survey of over 800 individual agricultural locations on the island conducted by Matthew Spriggs in 1978-80 and also on an ongoing project of the Nasaukaea Council of Chiefs of Aneityum, funded from the USA, in teaching traditional sustainable agricultural techniques to a new generation of farmers for food security purposes. During this current project considerable damage to the agricultural infrastructure of the island over the last 36 years because of extreme weather events was identified.
U.S. Peace Corps Small Project Assistance (SPA) for Adaptation, a new USAID/Pacific Islands project recently awarded in Sept 2012 FY13-FY17
This project will extend USAID’s reach to remote communities by supporting the following efforts of Peace Corps volunteers: (1) development of youth camps that promote environmental awareness, knowledge and skills among the youth to become responsible natural resource stewards; (2) trainings that support community adaptation to climate change and build capacity for disaster risk reduction (DRR); and (3) small-scale community projects that can demonstrate application of climate change and DRR principles.
Implementing Organization: U.S. Peace Corps
Cooperating Partners: NA
Geographic Focus: Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga, Samoa, and Federated States of Micronesia
Instrument: Interagency Agreement
Mangrove Rehabilitation for Sustainably-Managed, Healthy Forests (MARSH), a new USAID/Pacific Islands project recently awarded in Sept 2012 FY13-FY17
This project seeks to restore degraded mangrove areas that have demonstrated resilience to climate change and that provide tangible co-benefits to communities. The project has two main activities: (1) provide training for community-based, sustainable mangrove forest management and mangrove reforestation; and (2) strengthen technical and scientific capacity of local universities and public institutions to conduct forest carbon monitoring, reporting and verification.
Implementing Organization: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Cooperating Partners: University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG)
Geographic Focus: Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
Instrument: Cooperative Agreement
Component 1: Institutional Strengthening for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management ($3.15m). This component builds on the planned establishment of the National Advisory Board for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change (NAB). The project would complement the staffing and functional roles of the NAB-secretariat/PMU, through three sub-components that provide “start-up” support and guidance needed to operationalize the project management functions including development of guidelines/approaches for implementing climate adaptation projects/programs at national and community levels, support the restructured NDMO and strengthen early warning systems.
Component 2: Increasing Community Resilience on Active Volcanic Islands and in Coastal Areas ($2.5m). This component would seek to pilot ways to increase the ability of national, regional and community-level stakeholders to work together to enhance disaster and climate resilience in rural communities through two linked sub-components. Support would be sequenced to firstly, increase capacity at a national and provincial level; and secondly, pilot resilient community development through integrated community and ecosystem-based adaptation and disaster risk management activities.
This project aims to utilize, share, store and manage data and information generated through other climate change and DRR projects implemented in Vanuatu. Similarly it plans to train the “knowledge management officer” intended to sit within the secretariat level of the NAB.The project will be implemented collaboratively by SPREP and Griffith university and also piloting in the three pilot countries (Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu)
'Yumi Redi 2', Disaster risk reduction project funded by dipecho and Australian Aid is 18 month project. which aims to support community to be bettter prepared for natural disaster.
The project had already done the baseline, through the baseline we identify the key main areas in which will work specific with community and schools.
The government of Vanuatu, with support from donors and humanitarian actors, have begun to develop a significant focus on disaster preparedness and response. Within the National Disaster Management Organization two leading staff members interface regularly with Ministry of Education providing guidance and taking ownership of programs underway in cooperation with Save the Children and other stakeholders. Although climate-smart DRR education is underway, and while some initial efforts have been made in school disaster planning, it is in a very embryonic stage.
A focus for this project is the 'mentoring of champions' within the education sector. This will result in increased capacity within the Ministry of Education and schools to support replication of the approach into other provinces. The action contributes to the global campaign for safe schools by supporting a framework for school disaster management at the national, sub-national, and local levels, by identifying the key messages to support household participation in school safety, and by proving tools that can be used at the national level to convey and practice school safety action planning by all school communities throughout the country.
In the scope of the "Supporting Community Planning" project, the Vanuatu Red Cross Society is targeting 11 communities (2.500 people) in Torba Province as follow:
- Torres: Hiu Island: Yagavegemena community : HF radio, improvement of evacuation point;
- Torres Toga Island: LIteu & Likwal communities: HF Radio
- Vanualava: Vatop community : HF Radio
- Gaua: Lemanman & Lemoga communities: Imrovment of evacuation point
- Gaua: Qwetevaveg community: HF Radio;
- Motalava: Rah, Nereningman, Queremagde, Totolag, Avar communities: Gravity fed System (acces to safe water)
'Yumi Redi 2', Disaster risk reduction project funded by dipecho and Australian Aid is 18 month project. which aims to support community to be bettter prepared for natural disaster.
The project had already done the baseline, through the baseline we identify the key main areas in which will work specific with community and schools.