Vanuatu NAB Search
The Presenter Mrs Betty Toa , has presented this Presentation to the NAB Memmbers for endorsement at the NAB Third (3rd) Meeting.
The Women’s Resilience to Disasters (WRD) programme is fully funded by the Government of Australia and proposes a comprehensive package to strengthen the resilience of women and girls with the goal of ensuring that the lives and livelihoods of women and girls are resilient to disasters and threats, contributing to sustainable, secure, and thriving communities.
The WRD programme will initially be implemented in Kiribati, Vanuatu, and Fiji. Programme implementation will be driven at country level and supported by regional and global components.
The country components will provide targeted action to strengthen women’s resilience and build gender-responsive systems, advancing different elements of the WRD depending on the national context, policy priorities, existing initiatives, needs, and capacities.
At the regional level, the focus will be on knowledge management, advocacy, and gender and disability support for regional mechanisms, movements, and coalitions, including the Pacific Resilience Partnership.
The global component will advance gender-responsiveness in global DRR and climate processes, provide technical support, ensure global knowledge sharing and advocacy on women’s leadership for disaster resilience, and provide a platform for sharing good practice for gender-responsive resilience and voices from the Pacific.
The expected Outcomes for WRD are two-fold:1) Prevention, preparedness, and recovery policy frameworks, systems, processes, and tools are gender-responsive, and implemented as a result of local women’s and girls’ advocacy; and2) Women and girls have voice and agency to withstand multiple hazards, recover from disasters, and increase their resilience to future disasters and threats.
At the country level, the WRD Programme will work with government ministries, UN agencies and regional partners, and CSOs including women’s organisations.
The event will include:
Ministerial Panel discussion on Climate Finance
Introduction to the Vanuatu International Court of Justice Climate Initiative
Launch Vanautu's revised and enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paric Agreement of the UNFCCC
The UNOSAT- NORAD Project Presentation,being presented to the NAB Members on the 3rd NAB Meeting on 19th of July 2022, for the NAB Board Members to endorsed the Project.
Presenter: Ian Huri, CommonSensing, UNOSAT
The Project Profile Form for the Project - Strengthening capacities in the use of geospatial information for improved resilience in Asia-Pacific and Africa
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is an autonomous body within the United Nations that was established in 1965 pursuant to a United Nations General Assembly resolution and is governed by a Board of Trustees, with the mission to develop the individual, institutional and organizational capacities of countries and other United Nations stakeholders through high quality learning solutions and related knowledge products and services to enhance decision-making and to support country-level action for overcoming global challenges.
UNOSAT is the United Nations Satellite Centre, hosted at UNITAR, with the mission to promote evidence-based decision making for peace, security and resilience using geospatial information technologies. UNOSAT provides the UN funds, programmes and specialized agencies with satellite analysis, training, and capacity development, at their request. UNOSAT also supports the UN Member States with satellite imagery analysis over their respective territories and offers training and capacity development in the use of geospatial information technologies.
Vanuatu submits this updated and enhanced nationally determined contribution (NDC), in which our politicalleaders, technical experts and civil society have considered how our nation can move to a global net-zerogreenhouse gas (GHG) emissions society (Article 4.1) whilst being resilient to the unavoidable impacts ofclimate change (Article 7.1), minimising, averting and addressing loss and damage (Article 8) in the contextof the long-term temperature goal (Article 2), while determining our financial needs (Article 9) that shall beprovided by developed country Parties in continuation of their existing obligations under the UNFCCC.Vanuatu is already a carbon-negative country. With forests covering 70% of its islands, and its maritimejurisdiction comprising 98% of the nation, the big ocean state of Vanuatu is already a carbon sink -absorbing more carbon dioxide than it produces - thus freely providing a critical environmental serviceto carbon emitting countries around the world. Moving beyond our current Net Zero status, this NDCrecommits Vanuatu to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, deeply decarbonising and transitioning completelyto a circular economy.Pursuant to Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, and to demonstrate that Vanuatu is an action-focused leaderin its calls for all Parties to make ambitious commitments to limit the global average temperature increase to1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, Vanuatu’s NDC reflects the highest ambitions on adaptation, mitigation,and loss and damage. As per Decision 4/CMA.1, Vanuatu’s information provides clarity, transparency andunderstanding.This updated and enhanced NDC contains 20 Mitigation commitments, 116 Adaptation commitments, 12Loss & Damage commitments and is based on the ambitions, policies and workplans of Vanuatu's frontlinesector agencies.
The Project Profile Form - Women’s Resilience to Disaster’s Programme (WRD)-Vanuatu
The united nation women in Vanuatu is one of the implementing agency
The Funding is from the Australian Government- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
This case study aims to describe a country-specific approach to CCA and DRR integration and inform the strengthening of community-level outcomes. The study focuses on Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) programming in Vanuatu, though its results are intended for consideration by a wider range of stakeholders. This case study will complement six other country case studies and additional Pacific-wide datasets. Findings across the entire dataset will be presented in a final report addressing the overarching questions below. 1. What are the existing challenges and opportunities in the implementation of integrated DRR and CCA programming? 2. How can AHP programs strengthen the integration of DRR and CCA at the community level in case study countries.
Community based fisheries management consultation with the communities of Lamap and surrouding area in South East Malekula
Department of Climate Change will host its third annual and provincial Climate Change Symposium in Luganville Santo - Sanma Province from the 12th to 14th October 2022. The objective is to reach and conduct Climate Change raising and influencing campaign to communities, schools on science, impacts and key messages in climate change aimed at improving the relevant and necessary information that will help people make informed decisoion in terms of preparedness, adaptation and mitigation measures in future.
Given the importance of accessing information from the NAB portal with relevance to the productive sector, a workshop will be held on 21st July 2022 by the National Advisory Board on Climate Change & Disaster Risk Resilience (NAB) at the Grand Hotel.
Given the importance of accessing information from the NAB portal with relevance to the productive sector, invitaions are being sent to officers namely Communications & Media, IT, Data and Software Applications officers to be part of this one day workshop.
Given the importance of accessing information from the NAB portal with relevance to the productive sector, a workshop will be held on 21st July 2022 by the National Advisory Board on Climate Change & Disaster Risk Resilience (NAB) at the Grand Hotel.
Given the importance of accessing information from the NAB portal with relevance to the productive sector, invitaions are being sent to officers namely Communications & Media, IT, Data and Software Applications officers to be part of this one day workshop.
Given the importance of accessing information from the NAB portal with relevance to the productive sector, a workshop will be held on 21st July 2022 by the National Advisory Board on Climate Change & Disaster Risk Resilience (NAB) at the Grand Hotel.
Given the importance of accessing information from the NAB portal with relevance to the productive sector, invitaions are being sent to officers namely Communications & Media, IT, Data and Software Applications officers to be part of this one day workshop.
Designed for groups of up to 25 participants, sessions can last from 1-5 days, and include:
Question-led, photo-based theory sessions
Field trips to bring the theory to life
Demonstrations of equipment and mapping
Group work to encourage full participation and networking
Group presentations
Mangrove Restoration