Vanuatu NAB Search
The project considers the current Vanuatu’s Off-Grid RE and EE Promotion Program as the main baseline effort towards achieving the country’s NERM targets. This program includes the installation of RE-based (mainly hydro, and solar) power generation and distribution systems, as well as some Energy Efficiency interventions. This project aims to fill in critical gaps in Vanuatu’s baseline program.
Policy and planning: The project will identify important policy and planning gaps and institutionalize existing policies and plans in place (NERM-IP Plan and NERM) in the baseline program that it will fill, such as guidelines, standards, and incentive policies.
Institutional: The project will focus and represent relatively innovative incremental aspects. System management will be a critical feature in the sustainability of rural RE systems and their replication and thus an instrumental contribution towards meeting NERM targets.
Capacity development: While Vanuatu has substantial baseline program efforts to install RE systems in off-grid areas, training is very limited and generally consists of one-time training upon installation of systems. For larger-scale systems, capturing wind energy, equipment sourcing, and installation capacity is absent.
Green transport: The project will aim to set example of green transport mechanism by introducing electric vehicles
Financing for energy efficiency: The focus will be given to educating the commercial private sector to set up a loan or equity financing mechanism for Energy Efficiency Equipment and productive uses in rural areas.
The Project Profile for - "Barrier Removal for Achieving the National Road Map Targets for Vanuatu Phase II (BRANTV II)"
Director General , Mrs Esline Garaebiti ( brief statement):
The year 2021 also set milestones for the ministry in reviewing existing policies and legal frameworks with the development of relevant indicators targets. The Climate change and Disaster Risk Reduction policy 2022-2030 is reviewed and its implementation plan was developed. Other reporting required under the United nation framework convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been completed, particularly the updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), the Third National Communication (TNC), and the First Biennial Updated Report (FBUR). Numerous materials for education, outreach, and awareness have been developed by all departments and disseminated during national and international days for Meteorology, Environment, Disaster, Energy, and Climate Change.
Job / Tender Opportunity
Job / Tender Opportunity
Job / Tender Opportunity
Director General's - Mrs Esline Garaebiti Statement brief:
The year 2022 was a challenging and successful one for the Ministry of Climate Change. The achievements outlined herein, is a demonstration of a strong and dedicated team effort by the Ministry. The year 2022 began with the COVID19 lock down of nearly two months, which set us some challenging targets. This meant reprioritising existing work schedules, adjusting budgets and resource flows as well as mobilizing staff to ensure the deadlines were met while still balancing the need to keep on track with existing initiatives and priorities. I will leave the Directors in their Department Reports to provide details on the successful achievement according to their Business Plans activities for the year. I wish to point out that this would not have been achieved without the hard work of the officers serving on the Ministry ofClimate Change team
The Secretariat of the Pacific Environment Programme (SPREP) is implementing the Climate Information Services for Resilient Development in Vanuatu (CISRD), or Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong redy, adapt mo protekt (Van-KIRAP) Project. As the first part of this project, Tonkin & Taylor International Ltd (T+TI) has been engaged to provide technical expertise on the Van KIRAP Project and the Department of Water Resources to review and update existing flood mitigation guidelines for the Sarakata catchment in Espiritu Santo Island, and to support the development of flood early warning systems in Sarakata.
This report provides a review of the existing Flood Mitigation Guidelines for Sarakata, Pepsi and Solwei Areas (2011) including the evaluation and identification of gaps in terms of early warning systems and long-term climate change considerations. The review has identified the gaps across governance, institutional arrangements, observations, risk knowledge, warning dissemination, and preparedness and response. The following recommendations are provided to address the identified gaps and to inform the development of updated flood mitigation guidelines:
• Strengthened governance and institutional arrangements, relating to:
− Strengthened policies and institutional frameworks at the provincial level including clear roles and responsibilities.
− Clear standard operating procedures for flood early warning system management. − Development of forums to enable coordination and partnerships.
− Update and finalise the Sarakata Flood Management Plan, including establishment of a monitoring and evaluation plan to ensure effective and coordinated governance of flood disaster risk reduction and to foster sustainable development.
• Strengthened observation, monitoring, analysis, and forecasting, relating to:
− Additional observational equipment and supporting services and capacity.
The Bislama summary of yesterday’s Climate & Oceans Outlook update from Vanuatu Meteorology Geo-hazards Department ( VMGD)
The “Committing to Sustainable Waste Actions in the Pacific” referred to hereafter as SWAP project aims to improve sanitation, environmental, social, and economic conditions in Pacific Island countries and territories through proper waste management.
To achieve this, the overall work focuses on three streams of wastes: used oil, marine debris, disaster wastes and an overarching issue on sustainable financing mechanisms.
Six countries and territories benefit from this overall project which include Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Wallis and Futuna.
Marine litter is one of the main issues that the SWAP project tries to address as Pacific islands are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of marine debris, due to the particular value and sensitivity of their coastal environments. A report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has revealed that there are now over 150 million tonnes of plastics in the oceans. That's about one tonne of plastics for every three tonnes of fish. If the trend continues, plastics will outweigh fish in the oceans by 2050.
As behaviour change is a priority in order to address this problem of marine litter in a sustainable way, the SWAP project has produced a video to raise awareness of the problem of marine litter: ‘PLASTIC PARADISE’. This video is available in English and French as well as Fijian, Samoan, Pidgin, Tongan and Bislama.
This video is the intellectual property of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), and therefore may be used for educational or non-profit services without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. SPREP would appreciate receiving information on the use of the video: audience, purpose, etc. by completing this ‘SPREP/SWAP Marine Litter Awareness Video Use Request Form’.
The Van-KIRAP E-Newsletter for March 2023
Headlines included in the E-newsletter are listed below:
Severe Tropical cyclone Judy & Kevin
VanKIrap team Member assists in response to twin cyclone disaster
Workshop seekd novel ways to augment climate information using traditional knowledge
community Climate centre gives better access to Climate information for Tanna
Schools on Tanna join Climate monitoring network thanks to VanKIRAP
Climate resilience of Vanuatu's agriculture sector supported by new online tool
New digital dataset improves accuracy and quality of Vanuatu's climate data
Van-KIRAP technical report on Marine Heat Waves - "Van-KIRAP technical report on Marine Heat Waves"
Van - KIRAP Traditional Knowledge Calendars for Shefa Province
Van-KIRAP Traditional Knowledge Calendars - Tafea Province
Van-KIRAP Traditional Knowledge Seasonal Calendar for Penama Province
The Van- KIRAP Traditional Knowledge Calendars for Sanma Province
The Van- KIRAP Traditional Knowledge Calendars for Torba Province
Van-KIRAP Traditional Knowledge Calendars for the Province of Malampa,
There will be Music & Food for CLimate Justice
Location: SEAFRONT
Date: 29th of March 2023
Time: Live from 3 - 10pm
There will be Fundraising & Donations Online till the UN General Assembly vote of the Vanuatu Resolution for Climate Justice
NAB Information, Education & Communication (IEC) ENDORSEMENT: Partners are invited to apply for official NAB endorsement of their IEC materials. Download HERE
GCF PROJECT PROFILE FORM: All prospective GCF projects are required to fill in and submit a GCF project profile form. Download here.
Hazrd Key Definitions in English, French and Bislama. Download here.
Disaster Risk Reduction Terminology. Download here.
Community Disaster and Climate Change Committee Registration Form. Download here.
Community Profile Form. Download here.
NAB SOP Code of conduct. Download here.
NAB SOP FGRM. Download here.