Vanuatu NAB Search
Library of UN Materials Relevant for Climate Change Learning
Provides a one stop window to search for and access materials prepared by UN organizations relevant to climate change learning. To date, it contains over 1,000 entries, ranging from training manuals on climate change for health professionals to educational hand books for teachers and students. Some of the materials were developed in collaboration with non-UN organizations.
Training on using the NDMO short code SMS system in preparation for the disaster simulation in November.
Location: VMGD Conference Room
Pacific Climate Animation project
VMGD, CSIRO and Red Cross are hosting a workshop on Friday 26th October at the VMGD Conference Room to brainstorm ideas in development of an animation / cartoon describing ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) to communities.
All stakeholders welcome, enquiries to or
Activity Background
Opportunities exist for practitioners in the Pacific to have a greater understanding of climate change and climate variability to enable anticipation of disasters before they happen rather than waiting to respond afterwards. CSIRO in collaboration with the Vanuatu Meteorological Service, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre & Australian Red Cross International Volunteer program are forming a partnership to produce 2 cartoon animations explaining climate in the Pacific region. One for across the Pacific region, the other for Vanuatu as a pilot country for possible later scale up to other countries in the Pacific. It would aim to explain both climate change and climate variability (such as El Niño & La Niña), their impacts and each would last for approximately 3-4 minutes. They will draw upon the recent science to come out of the Pacific Climate Change Science Program and it is anticipated that they would be useful for a range of practitioners from across health, disaster management, agriculture, water and other fields of work. The project will run until June 2013 and the animations will be produced in close collaboration with stakeholders in Vanuatu and the Pacific region.
Vanuatu Ministry of Education and USP will be co-hosting a climate change quiz competition for Port Vila highschools.
at VMGD conference room.
Course Title: Pacific Climate Futures Follow-up Training
Course Objectives:
1. To reinforce and extend the skills that participants gained during the Advanced training last year, with a particular focus on how to use the climate change projections for projects in Vanuatu.
2. To Seek feedback on the Pacific Climate Futures web-tool from Advanced users and provide details of the improvements planned under PACCSAP
3. Integrate the tool into the working procedures of the CC/DRR technical team
M&E workshop we have scheduled for 21st September at the Red Cross meeting room (9am – 4pm). In our preliminary meetings we are interested in discussing the following:
1) Brief Principles of Adaptation M&E
2) Program logic – including activity statements, outputs, immediate and intermediate outcomes and desired impact identified
3) Creation of initial Indicators for outputs, outcomes and impact
4) Planning for how the community participates in identifying /revising these indicators
5) Tools you use currently for measuring /monitoring progress that you can share with the consortium
6) Adaptation Tools that your organization has used
7) Development of baselines – how do you plan to gather the baseline and how will you ensure that it is based on community identified indicators considering the timelines etc.
I have attached for your information two useful M&E documents (PMERL from CARE and Making Adaptation Count from GIZ and WRI) that could inform our M&E practice for this program. Take a look at the tools at the back and we will discuss these in our meeting. Also attached is a format for program logic that we will also discuss – an example and a format.
PHRD Grant Agreement is now earmarked for signing on Monday 01st October at VMGD at 3pm. The grant agreement will be signed by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development on behalf of the Vanuatu Government.
Dear Salesa, Bec, Chris,
Hope all is well with you.
This just a quick email to confirm the dates of our visit to Vanuatu. Lynda, Karen and I are planning a visit Port Vila during the week starting 12th Nov....will that suit you all?
The purpose of our visit to discuss some of the activities we have planned for Vanuatu namely the traditional knowledge study. We may even half a 1/2 to 1 day training workshop on the usage of templates to document TK indicators.
Lynda and Karen will provide you with more information on what we propose to do during our visit.
Salesa, we are looking forward to seeing you in early Oct.
Janita Pahalad | COSPPac ManagerClimate and Oceans Support Program in the Pacific (COSPPac)Bureau of Meteorology
GPO Box 1289 Melbourne VIC 3001
Level 10, 700 Collins Street Docklands VIC 3008
Tel: +61 3 9669 4781 |
1) Decision-making for climate resilient livelihoods and risk reduction: A Participatory Scenario Planning approach(
The Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) supports improved communication of climate information to vulnerable rural communities and local governments as a key element of community based adaptation to climate change impacts. Participatory scenario planning, or PSP, is one approach which uses seasonal climate forecasts to inform decisions for more resilient livelihoods and risk management, thereby strengthening adaptive capacity. PSP workshops create a multi-stakeholder platform for collective interpretation of meteorological and local forecasts and their probability and uncertainty. This brief describes the PSP process and its outcomes and benefits. PSPs in Kenya and Ghana have already resulted in enhanced relations between meteorologists and local actors, flexible locally owned decision making and greater confidence in local knowledge and innovation. (See the related ALP Kenya August community story
Dear all,
Please find a draft outline of the next steps for the consortium below.
We’ll discuss the proposed dates and format of all upcoming Consortium Management Group and Network activities on Thursday at 8am at Chantilly’s.
For those of you that are currently overseas, could you please provide any comments/ideas before the meeting.
Driven by a commitment to solutions, the Will Steger Foundation provides information on climate change basics, giving educators and learners background knowledge to work towards slowing climate change.
Extreme Weather 101
Solutions: Personal Behavior
Solutions: Renewabl
Curricula Resources
The climate change interdisciplinary curricula we offer are available for free online and are appropriate for grades 3-12. Aligned with national standards, state standards (where relevant) and the climate literacy principles, each curriculum has been reviewed by educational organizations and partners. Learn more about what we offer.
IUCN/ MESCAL Vanuatu will be carrying out an Action Research at its demonstration sites in the month of September. The action research which includes a Biodiversity assesment, a Socio -economic assesment and a mangrove mapping will begin on Amal Crab Bay/ Malekula demonstration site on the 3rd -20th of September and on Eratap / Efate on 24-28 September 2012. We accept volunteers to experiences new skills but only on a voluntary basis. Therefore if you are interested to join as a volunteer please contact the MESCAL Coordinator on email: