WOTR’s Agro-Meteorology Video

Dear Friends,




Weathering Climate Change is a short film that describes  WOTR’s Agro-Meteorology component of Climate Change Adaptation Project which combines locale-specific Met-advisories and Agro-advisories for timely weather information to help farmers plan their agricultural activities. A web based initiative, it is marked by its unique automated platform and software to provide village wise weather trends that can be widely up scaled.


The advisories and met-forecasts are shared with the communities through phone and smses.


(Language: English, Duration: 6.34 min)



Radha Kunke

Knowledge & Communications

WOTR – Pune

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Read us: http://ecologic.wotr.org; http://voices.wotr.org

Watch us: http://youtube.com/user/wotrindia

Phone: 91-20-24226211