Free Webinar: Protecting health from climate change: Adaptation

You are cordially invited to the fourth webinar of the WHO series on Climate Change and Health which will be discussing
“Protecting health from climate change: Adaptation”
 This will be taking place on the 12th September 2012 at 1800 Central European Summer Time (Geneva)
(1700  London, 1200 New York, 0100 Tokyo)
This fourth WHO/IFMSA/Health Canada webinar seminar, will provide an update on the latest science and knowledge in the areas of global health adaptation priorities and processes and information about case studies of countries that have begun to show innovative ways of responding to the climate change and health adaptation agenda.
The webinar will last 90 minutes with opportunities to ask questions of the panel.
Confirmed speakers include:
Moderator: Alex Kirby (Former Chief Environmental Correspondent at the BBC)
Introduction: Dr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Overview of health adaptation: Kris Ebi, Executive Director, IPCC Working Group 2 Technical Support Unit - Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability
Adaptation as a priority for climate policy: Saleemul Huq, Senior Fellow, Climate Change Group at the International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED)
International support for health adaptation: Boni Biagini, Lead Climate Change Specialist GEF
Lessons from pilot projects on health adaptation to climate change: Vladimir Kendrovski, Head of Sector for Environmental Health at Institute for Public Health of R. Macedonia
Scaling up to programmatic approaches, WHO Regional Focal point on Climate Change and Health issue