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41 Results Found
The Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) is based on the philosophy that efficient management of the climatic risks today is the foundation for managing the changed climatic risks ...
Status: Completed
Progress to date and current activities: C-CAP mobilized to the region in November 2012, working primarily to establish its headquarters office in Port Moresby, and satellite office in Suva; ...
Status: Completed
The project consists mainly of workshops and meetings to strengthen the existing Technical Committee for REDD+. Some outreach will also take place for stakeholders in Port Vila not yet involved ...
Status: Completed
Natural resources in marine and coastal areas are of high economic importance for Pacific island countries and sustain the livelihoods of coastal communities. However, the need to conserve and ...
Status: Completed
The project, over a 36-month period, will identify and implement integrated agricultural system management approaches that increase climate resilience. The systems will be based on assessments of the robustness ...
Status: Completed
An Indigenous led Network of community Environmental Champions, working together for the protection of biodiversity, sustainable development, customary governance, and climate/disaster resilience within the Santo Mountain Chain Key Biodiversity Area ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$700,000
According to the UN World Risk Report (2012) Vanuatu has the highest disaster risk index of any country in the world. Its location on the Pacific “ring of fire” gives ...
Status: Completed
In the scope of the CCA consortium program, the Vanuatu Red Cross society is targeting 11 communities as follow: - Torres: Hiu Island Yagavegemena community; - Torres: Toga Island Liteu ...
Status: Completed
The ‘Coping with climate change in the Pacific Island Region (CCCPIR)’ programme aims to strengthen the capacities of Pacific member countries and regional organisations to cope with the impacts of ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$3,491,650
The resources provided by this project will strengthen the NAB and assist the Government to conduct thorough hazard and risk assessment in the urban areas and use the data to ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$2,728,000
The Action ‘Generation and adaptation of improved agricultural technologies to mitigate climate change-imposed risks to food production within vulnerable smallholder farming communities in Western Pacific countries’ was a five year ...
Status: Completed
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)2013-2021 is designed to safeguard the Earth’s biologically rich and most threatened regions known as biodiversity hotspots. It is a joint initiative of Conservation International ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$9,000,000
Tourism represents a significant econoomic activity in the Pacific. It is one of the largest export sectors in the majority of the nations of the Pacific and provides great opportunties for economic ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$116,451
ArtTEK Tanna: Nainé Resilient Societies Center consists of two separate programs with differing objectives and implementation strategies. Program A: TEK & Tech Youth Champions is the subject of this brief. ...
Status: Completed
To engage high school students in the production of innovative and targeted media content on climate change awareness, through a combination of media and climate science training, mentoring and production ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$111,209
Assist in the application of technology to improve understanding of effectiveness of climate change policy and activity in the country in line with the review of climate change policy underway. ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$19,240
Outline key project components Awareness raising / background work; this will involve seeking support from key ministries, establishing contacts, hiring a local project assistant, arranging venues, logistics and ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$100,000
Through this three-to-five year project, C-CAP will work across 12 Pacific Island countries, collaborating with up to 90 communities on: 1. Rehabilitating and constructing new, small-scale community infrastructure 2. Building ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$14,460,224
The goverment of Vanautu,will organize a Climate Zone Quiz on an anual basis, building on the success and generated intrest of the previous years. The annual Quiz will be ...
Status: Completed
Consultations towards a National Framework on Traditional Knowledge on Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction 15-27 April 2013 Port Vila, Vanuatu Background: At present ...
Status: Current