Pacific Islands Coastal Community Adaptation Project (C-CAP)
Pacific Islands Coastal Community Adaptation Project (C-CAP)
Through this three-to-five year project, C-CAP will work across 12 Pacific Island countries, collaborating with up to 90 communities on:
1. Rehabilitating and constructing new, small-scale community infrastructure
2. Building capacity for community engagement for disaster prevention and preparedness
3. Integrating climate resilient policies and practices into long-term land use plans and building standards
In each community, C-CAP will work within community governance systems to:
· Conduct community/risk mapping exercises.
· Assess vulnerability of small-scale social, economic and water infrastructure
o I.e., health clinics, schools, community centers, jetties, water tanks, drainage systems…
· Name adaptation options for vulnerable infrastructure.
· Prioritize options through a multi-criteria analysis exercise.
· Fund one—prioritized—infrastructure rehabilitation / construction project (approx. US$50,000 per community).
· Revisit Risk Maps to review risk to projected climate impacts—and support land use planning exercises, scaling up plans to provincial and national government.
· Implement nature-based infrastructure activities when appropriate (mangrove reforestation, erosion control, etc.)
· Support DRR and preparedness activities and planning.
USAID intends to implement C-CAP in two-to-three ni-Vanuatu Provinces (10-15 communities) from 2012 to 2015.