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43 Results Found
This UNDP-supported, GEF-LDCF funded project, "Vanuatu Coastal Adaptation Project (VCAP)", is working to build resilience through improved infrastructure, sustained livelihoods, and increased food production. These efforts (with National Government as Key Collaborators) aim to improve the ...
Status: Completed
The project will involve a participatory process to identify and implement climate change adaptation measures, through the use of gender sensitive data gathering tools; specific location/areas for implementing adaptation measures and ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$30,000,000
Vanuatu is among the most vulnerable countries on earth to the increasing impacts of climate change, including climate-related natural disasters and the effects of slow-onset events such as sea-level rise ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$26,640,000
Organizational Expertise Justification: Members of the consortium have been working in Vanuatu for over 30 years. We have extensive experience working together and with the government of Vanuatu to help ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$32,650,000
The project proposes to support the institutionalization of sustainable transport and electric transport in Vanuatu by i) establishing a coordination body consisting of public and private stakeholders; ii) support ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$1,000,000
: Climate change and rising sea levels and urbanization in low lying areas will increase the risk of coastal floods, erosion and salinization. Adaptation to reduce future environmental risks is ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$30,000,000
The aim of the project is to apply Critical Participatory Action Research (CPAR) to empower targeted communities in Community Conservation Areas (CCA’s) to develop rights-based regenerative climate-smart ridge to reef ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$1,650,000
The project considers the current Vanuatu’s Off-Grid RE and EE Promotion Program as the main baseline effort towards achieving the country’s NERM targets. This program includes the installation of RE-based ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$2,000,000
The Women’s Resilience to Disasters (WRD) programme is fully funded by the Government of Australia and proposes a comprehensive package to strengthen the resilience of women and girls with ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$1,150,000
Component 1: Institutional Strengthening for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management ($3.15m). This component builds on the planned establishment of the National Advisory Board for Disaster Risk Management and Climate ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$11,520,000
This project aims to utilize, share, store and manage data and information generated through other climate change and DRR projects implemented in Vanuatu. Similarly it plans to train the “knowledge ...
Status: Completed
'Yumi Redi 2', Disaster risk reduction project funded by dipecho and Australian Aid is 18 month project. which aims to support community to be bettter prepared for natural disaster. The ...
Status: Completed
The government of Vanuatu, with support from donors and humanitarian actors, have begun to develop a significant focus on disaster preparedness and response. Within the National Disaster Management Organization two ...
Status: Completed
In the scope of the "Supporting Community Planning" project, the Vanuatu Red Cross Society is targeting 11 communities (2.500 people) in Torba Province as follow: - Torres: Hiu Island: Yagavegemena ...
Status: Completed
'Yumi Redi 2', Disaster risk reduction project funded by dipecho and Australian Aid is 18 month project. which aims to support community to be bettter prepared for natural disaster. The ...
Status: Completed
The Pacific Risk Resilience programme (PRRP) will focus on strengthening governance mechanisms for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) at the sub-national and local levels. The goal ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$4,000,000
New Certificate 1 Level 1Training Programon Climate Change (CC) and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Background Vanuatu is currently experiences severe impacts of climate change, and the national government has ...
Status: Completed
Strengthened DRM coordination at the national level, through support for NDMO by the Vanuatu Humanitarian Team (VHT) will complement improved disaster preparedness planning processes at both provincial and community levels. ...
Status: Completed
The Joj blong yumi i help long tem blong disasta project is a joint activity under the Vanuatu Church Partnership Program. The project aims to develop a Disaster Management training ...
Status: Completed
Progress to date and current activities: C-CAP mobilized to the region in November 2012, working primarily to establish its headquarters office in Port Moresby, and satellite office in Suva; ...
Status: Completed