
On 30 January, over thirty participants from the Government, Civil Society, Private Sector, and Development Partners were trained in the usage of the website of the National Advisory Board on ...
Post Date: 30-Jan-2018
Tagabe Fresh Water Aquaculture Center has boosted tilapia production in the thousands through the support of the EU-GIZ Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (ACSE) project. The 2-year project, beginning in October ...
Post Date: 30-Sep-2017
The Commonwealth’s Climate Finance Access Hub is assisting Vanuatu in its efforts towards climate change financing. The Hub has placed a National Climate Finance Adviser within the Ministry ...
Post Date: 25-Sep-2017
Paramount Chief Maseiman of Pango, South Efate, and his community took the initiative to launch a Tsunami Siren, Tsunami Information Boards and Tsunami Evacuation Signs located in their village on ...
Post Date: 18-May-2017