Adaptation Actions

461 - 480 of 506
452 - Ventilate chicken enclosures (e.g. with bamboo floors)
453 - Provide Mulching or leaves inside chicken enclosures for temp cooling
454 - Ensure there is dust available that chickens can kick up for temp regulation
455 - Keep an area of small bush inside enclosures under which they can hide
456 - Cover fences, to provide shade and respite from sun
457 - White wash (paint) the tanks for sunlight reflection to keep water cool
458 - Build underground tanks that are not exposed to the sun
459 - Plant ivy and other vines around and on tanks to keep water cold
460 - Place tanks under shelters
461 - Ferro cement tanks best resist high temperatures
462 - Avoid poly tanks that may melt and become deformed in high temps
463 - Avoid fiberglass tanks that may experience inner lining peeling, and dust may have health implications
464 - Relocate Gardens away from the coast
465 - Introduce buffer zones between gardens and low-lying coastal areas
466 - Find and encourage salt tolerant crops
467 - Relocate sea turtle nests to higher, safer parts of the beach
468 - Replant coastal species following their natural zonations
469 - Regulate and limit the extraction of sand, coral and gravel for development purposes
470 - Establish protected areas on the coastal strip
471 - Ensure the adequate EIAs are completed on all coastal developments