Barrier Removal for Achieving the National Energy Road Map Targets of Vanuatu (BRANTV)

Barrier Removal for Achieving the National Energy Road Map Targets of Vanuatu (BRANTV)


The Vanuatu Ministry of Climate Change and Natural Disaster and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have signed a US$2.6 million project document paving the way for a sustainable energy project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Barrier Removal for Achieving the National Energy Road Map Targets of Vanuatu (BRANTV) Project is funded by the GEF and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Vanuatu Department of Energy. BRANTV has the objective of enabling the achievement of energy access, sustainable energy, and green growth targets of Vanuatu (as per the NERM).

Project Status: