Vanuatu Climate Action Network launches Strike for the Climate Emergency


Vanuatu Strike for the Climate Emergency

20 September 2019
Campaign Overview

A Climate Emergency in Vanuatu

The goal of the Vanuatu Strike for the Climate Emergency Campaign is to urge individuals, businesses, civil society, government agencies and leaders in Vanuatu to formally acknowledge the Climate Crisis and act on higher ambition to address the unjust and devastating impacts climate change is having on our economy, our livelihoods and our fundamental rights. We aim for Government to Declare a Climate Emergency.

Low levels of global ambition, and the failures and delays of nations in meet the goals of the Paris Agreement to reduce their greenhouse pollution means Vanuatu will face catastrophic warming of at least 3°C. 

Vanuatu’s Strike for the Climate Emergency is planned for Friday 20 September, which aligns to and will stand in solidarity with, the Fridays For Future[1], the Global Climate Strike[2] and Extinction Rebellion[3] movements.   The Strike is hosted by Vanuatu Climate Action Network VCAN members, including school students, in collaboration with the Government of Vanuatu (including the Ministry of Climate Change, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice & Ministry of Education), and will enable Vanuatu to add its voice in solidarity with other governments that have already declared a Climate Emergency[4].

VCAN hopes this action campaign will inspire Pacific Island Countries and the global community to adopt an emergency response to climate change with regards to Human right and climate justice.

It is hoped that the Government’s Council of Ministers will formally declare a Climate Emergency on 20 September that includes a mandate for immediate and urgent action to step up our NDC commitments to include new and additional finance for loss and damage, economy wide emission reduction targets and quantifiable adaptation targets.  Importantly, the Climate Emergency declaration must include provisions for climate litigation against nations or corporations that are committing Ecocide and other climate crimes.

Building towards the Campaign

While the main event will take place on 20 September, the campaign will build new themes into the Climate Emergency each week, open for public engagement. The main areas that this campaign will tackle each week in building up towards the 20 September campaign are:

  • 26th – 31th August: Mitigation (Department of Climate Change)
  • 2nd – 7th September: Gender & Climate (Oxfam, Action Aid and CARE)  
  • 9th – 14th September: Ocean & Climate (Ocean Affairs Office/Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  • 16th – 20th September: Human Rights, Law & Climate (Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change, Van Human Rights Coalition, Ministry of Justice and Community Service and Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


  • Each week a media release on the theme will be shared to media. Key Stakeholders will also go to local radio programs and tok back shows (1 hour each week) to arouse public attention and disseminate information towards the campaign.
  • Informative emails will be distributed through Govt, NGO and private sector mailing lists outlining practical ways civil servants can contribute to climate action, and encouraging all to integrate the climate emergency into their planning.
  • Awareness groups will visit selected schools and brief the teachers/principals/students about the Vanuatu Strike for the Climate Emergency in consultation with the Ministry of Education.
  • Facebook, Twitter and other social media will amplify key messages about the weekly theme and the Sept 20th action


 Programme: 20th September 2019 Strike for the Climate Emergency campaign

8-9am                 FB live stream from provinces (schools)

9-10am                 Talkback show – local radio stations

10-10:30am       Singaot in Solidarity- actions around Port Vila

10:30-11am       Drive Through Port Vila with Private Sector

11-12pm              March from Chantilly’s to Sea Front
                            Traditional sailing, via market, to Sea Front

12-12:30pm      Poetry + Climate Emergency Demands Speech

12:30-1pm        Declaration of Climate Emergency (Leaders)

1 - 1:30pm        International Media Showcase: Island Livelihoods are Destroyed by Fossil Fuels  

1:30- 2:30         Cultural groups, theatre, artistic performances (with Climate Quiz in between).


Vanuatu Strike for the Climate Emergency Campaign Coordination team meetings

Held weekly (every Wednesday) through 20th September. 
Venue: Oxfam Office
Time: 12:00pm

All are welcome.

Contact: &
Tel: +678 25786
Mob: +678 5343273

Twitter: @VanuatuClimate