VCAP Progressive Report 2
“Adaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone in Vanuatu” or the Vanuatu Coastal Adaptation Project (VCAP), has made steady progress lately towards enabling the Vanuatu government to increase the resilience of targeted communities to future climate change induced risks such as declining coastal and marine resources and intensifying climate related hazards.As VCAP begins to address community level adaptation to climate change, the Vanuatu government has taken its first steps to engage community level representatives. Communities were consulted in the selection process for site based coordinators in Tafea, Shefa and Penama provinces. Hiring processes for the Project Implementation Unit in Port Vila continue to take place as well.VCAP was able to facilitate several days of consultations and planning activities with community, Area Council, provincial and national level stakeholders during VCAP Inception Week. The final authority for VCAP is the Project Board, which had its first sitting during this reporting period. The results from this Project Board meeting will drive VCAP forward throughout the remainder of 2015.This bi-monthly progress report details the various activities conducted from May to mid-July of 2015. This is the second of an ongoing series of VCAP bimonthly reports.This Report features the following Contents:Key Dates for VCAP - Page 3Listing key activities and developments within VCAP with corresponding dates for this reporting period.VCAP Inception Week - Pages 4 - 8Details regarding planning forum for community, provincial and national government stakeholders along UNDP representatives.Site Coordinators - Pages 9 - 10Recruitment process and selection results of site-based coordinators.Provincial Stakeholders - Pages 11 - 12Understanding the role of the provincial authorities in VCAP & introduction of staff from Tafea, Shefa & Penama province based sitesPort Narvin, Erromango - Page 13An in-depth look at a VCAP target community in Tafea ProvinceProject Board Meeting - Summary - Pages 14 - 15Details & outcomes from first VCAP Project Board Meeting
VCAP Newsletter 2015.07.27.pdf (3.15 MB)