Vanuatu GCCA Project Brief Dec 2012
GCCA–Vanuatu consists of two separate components with differing objectives and implementation modes. Component A – the subject of this brief – covers the enhancement of policy development on and institutional strengthening of climate change in Vanuatu. Component B focuses on increasing resilience to climate change and natural hazards and will be implemented by the World Bank through an Administrative Agreement between the European Commission and World Bank (see separate brief on the IRCCNH project).
The activities to be implemented under Component A are:
1. Developing a national climate change and disaster risk reduction policy and action plan
2. Seminars for mainstreaming CC & DRR into sector policies and plans (part of policy implementation in late 2013)
3. Training for the enforcement of environment-related laws and handling of ozone depleting substances
4. NAB meetings and attendance of Vanuatu officials in regional and international CC/DRR fora
5. Stakeholder and climate finance mapping
6. Training the Rainfall Monitoring Network to collect climate change data
7. Developing a national Information, Communication and Engagement Strategy for CC & DRR
8. A national workshop to develop consistent CC & DRR messaging amongst all stakeholders
9. A Climate Change Symposium
10. Collecting and sharing lessons learned and best practice adaptation
11. Establishing a framework on Traditional Knowledge & Indicators on CC & DRR
12. Collecting data on agricultural sector adaptation practices through a second Agro-meteorological Summit
13. Visibility and communications activities
project_brief_gcca-v.docx (22.41 KB)