USP Climate Scholarships
In 2013, USP will offer scholarships in Climate Change under a European Union funded project entitled ‘Support the GCCA through Capacity Building, Community Engagement, and Applied Research’ in operation at the University of the South Pacific.These scholarships are available to citizens of Pacific Island countries for full-time or part-time study, based at USP’s Laucala campus, Suva Fiji, for Post-graduate Diploma and M Sc Programmes.
USP offers a Postgraduate Diploma in Climate Change (PG Dip CC). Like other PG Diplomas, it comprises of 4 courses over 1 year as a full-time student or 2 years as a part time student. All students taking this Diploma will be required to take two courses, namely Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (EV414*) and Climate Science (EV415*). Some of the other courses which can form part of this Diploma will include but not be limited to is Environment Impact Assessment (EV425*), Pacific Ecology in Relation Climate Change (EV426*) and Environmental Economics (EC415). Other relevant courses can be included with the approval of the PACE Director. The courses marked (*) will be offered by DFL (online) in 2013.
This Postgraduate Diploma will be relevant to those engaged in planning for natural resources, economic and social development, and/or the natural environment, and climate change especially graduates working in governments or NGOs who are not yet familiar with climate change-related issues but need to be so.
USP invites applications from graduates in relevant disciplines who wish to pursue a Masters degree though research on climate variability and change. Possible research topics in climate change may include (but not limited to): (a) Analysis and interpretation of the climate observations or model generated data sets; (b) Scientific analysis of the impacts of likely climate change on a particular community or sector; (c) Developing scientific or technical aspects of community adaptation project (e.g. biogas and energy security); (d) Evaluating the effectiveness of a particular community adaptation activity (including local/ traditional knowledge); (e) Social or economic analysis of adaptation projects, policies and aid effectiveness, (f) Analysis of governance or social issues affecting vulnerability to, or measures to adapt to climate change; (g) Integration of climate change in education for sustainable development; (h) Evaluation of gender issues in climate change; (i) Evaluation of impacts of climate change on plants/animals; (j) Analysis of adaptation and mitigation measures for adaptive capacity development in a specific community or sector.
A Masters degree at USP requires one year of full-time study, or two years part-time study in the form of a supervised research project subsequent to completion of a PG Diploma.
Full-time scholarships cover tuition fees and air fares from home country (if outside Fiji) at beginning and end of the scholarship. Each scholar receives a living allowance of about F$11,088 per year, (plus an allowance for accompanying dependents in some circumstances). Part-time scholarships cover tuition fees only as applicable. Part-time scholarships are intended for those students who are employed and only able to pursue studies on a part-time basis.
For Masters students, the university will also pay towards reasonable research costs, and field work elsewhere in the region can be part of the research project. Scholarship holders at Masters level will be expected to contribute to USP’s ongoing teaching and research activities, as decided by PACE-SD Director, depending on the activities being conducted at PACE-SD.
Successful applicants will be expected to take up their scholarships in the first semester of 2013.
Applicants wishing to enroll for the PG Dip CC should be graduates in relevant science or humanities subject with a grade-point average of at least 3.0. In exceptional circumstance applications can be made under the criteria of Admission with Standing.
Applicants for a Masters degree should normally have completed a Postgraduate Diploma (or equivalent). The University recognises that there are special circumstances in which some applicants without these pre-requisites may be eligible for enrolment in MSc degree programme. More details in the University Calendar at
Applicants for the Masters degree should indicate and submit a letter of intent describing their proposed research topic. For preliminary academic inquiries about climate change research at USP, please contact the Acting Director of the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development, email: or see
Postgraduate application forms for both programs (PG Dip and M Sc) can be obtained from your local USP Centre or downloaded from Completed forms and accompanying certified documents/transcripts etc. should be sent to Ms Vijaya Naiker at Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development, USP Campus at Suva (; Ph: +679-3231982). Completed applications are due by 01st October 2012.
Q U A L I T Y , R E L E V A N C E , S U S T A I N A B I L I T