Spatial Representation of Land Use and Population Density: Integrated Layers of Data Contribute to Environmental Planning in Vanuatu
Abstract We propose the integration of six data layers
(topography, isohyets, soil potential, household localization,
vegetation types and land lease titles) to assess the constraints
facing food production in Vanuatu, Melanesia. All
layers are digitalized allowing area computations of polygons
associated with the various data sets. For each island,
the following are computed: total area, good arable land
area, coconut plantations, pastures/grasslands, area under
land lease titles and average accessible good land per household.
Although Vanuatu is often considered as not densely
populated (19 hab/km2), results indicate great variation
among islands. The average area of good land per household
varies from 530 ha on the island of Tegua (North) to 0.5 ha
on Futuna (South). Shifting cultivation does not appear to be
a serious threat to the environment. The establishment of
coconut plantations and permanent pastures represents the
main cause of deforestation and contributes to increased
pressure on land used for food production. The integration
of layers of data is a powerful tool for improving environmental
planning in an archipelago under growing human
pressure and natural changes.