Second National Capacity Building Workshop on Post 2012 Carbon Markets & Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)

The Climate Change Unit under the Ministry of Climate Change, Meteorology, Geo hazards and Energy in collaboration with Asian Development Bank (ADB) through the project: Regional Technical Assistance 7394 on Strengthening the Capacity of Pacific Developing Member Countries to Respond to Climate Change (Phase 1) organized the second capacity building workshop on Wednesday, 7th August at the Melanesian Hotel, Port Vila.

The workshop was organised in order to strengthen the institutional and stakeholder capacity and awareness in Vanuatu on Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) Programme of Activities (PoA), post-2012 carbon market mechanisms including  Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), and assist in developing a cross-border CDM Programme of Activities.

Delivering the workshop opening address, Mr. Jotham Napat, Director Genereal, Ministry of Climate Change, Meteorology, Geo hazards and Energy, appreciated the support from ADB to Vanuatu in the area of climate change mitigation including international carbon markets; climate change financing mechanisms such as Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Programme of Activities and recently the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions.

Mr. Napat also emphasised that Vanuatu being a party to the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol is quite keen to pursue activities on NAMAs as these initiatives focus on building a sustainable low-carbon structure in climate-relevant sectors of the host country. Mr. Napat also requested ADB as well as other development partners to support Vanuatu to carry-out a ‘NAMA Readiness Study’ to identify &  develop NAMA concepts/proposals in consultation with stakeholders and to create an enabling environment for NAMA implementation in Vanuatu.

The workshop brought together government, public, NGOs and private stakeholders and was funded and supported by ADB with support from Climate Change Unit, Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department Ministry of Climate Change, Meteorology, Geo hazards and Energy.