Climate Proofing Development in the Pacific
Climate Proofing Development in the Pacific
GEF ID 5037
This regional program will address climate proofing concerns in the Pacific countries of Timor Lest, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. The overall goal of the program is to reduce the vulnerability of vital infrastructure in the Pacific LDCs through the implementation of NAPA priorities. The ultimate impact of the program will be to reduce absolute investments losses from the negative impacts of climate change.
The program is composed of the follwoing sub- projects
(i) Protecting coastal urban areas against the impacts of climate change in Vanuatu
(ii) Securing urban water supplies under climate stress Timor-Leste
(iii) Up-scaling climate-proofing in the transport sector in Timor-Leste: Sector wide approaches
(iv) Infrastructure Prioritization, Planning and Budgeting for Adaptation in Tuvalu and (v) Cross-cutting learning, improved information, training and innovation
Overall this program will strengthen adaptive capacity to reduce losses due to climate change impacts in participating countries. In Vanutu, there will be a focus on improving water drainage and water supply and sanitation infrastructure in urban centres. In Timor Leste the proposed project will work with the National Directorate for Water Supply and Sanitation to provide a safe and reliable water supply to district capitals Manatuto and Pante Macasar. In Tuvalu the LDCF investments will seek to incoporate climate change adaptation needs inot the infrastructure prioritization and budgeting process.
At the regional level the project will have specific training to promote learning across sectors and between sector experts in different countries, and identify measures to catalyze greater private sector engagement, in particular to identify private sector incentives for appropriate investments, and to work with existing stakeholders to build their awareness of the challenges posed by climate change. There will also be regional south-south collaboration for exchanging lessons across sectors, including collaboration between experts to build human capacity within the region.