UN Habitat City Resilience Profiling
UN Habitat City Resilience Profiling
The overall objective of this project is to build more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient cities, by strengthening the capacity of key public, private and civil society stakeholders to measure,
make decisions, and plan actions for building resilience. This ensures that public and private investments are risk-informed and that early interventions in crisis-prone cities are linked to
longer-term development goals in line with the NSDP and the Sendai Framework.
The CRPP tool being developed is the first multi-hazard tool which examines the vulnerabilities of the entire urban system. Vanuatu, as a pilot city, is in the unique position to contribute to
the development of this innovative tool and be at the forefront of urban resilience as laid out within the New Urban Agenda from Habitat III. This initiative aims at improving local government and stakeholder understanding of, and capacity for, developing and implementing resilience action plans. The devastating impacts of Cyclone Pam flagged the urgent need to build local government capacity which was reiterated in the National Recovery Plan.