Low Emission Capacity Building Programme Phase II (LECB II)

Low Emission Capacity Building Programme Phase II (LECB II)


The LECB Programme phase II aims to assist Vanuatu to implement Output 1 under the programme: Policies, institutional frameworks and national MRV systems strengthened and harmonized to mainstream national mitigation policies and targets in the context of NDCs. This output is expected to support the review and/or formulation of roadmap for NDC implementation including new mitigation actions beyond current NDC commitment periods. The key activity results includes: designing of NDC implementation plans and institutional frameworks; designing and implementation of MRV systems to support implementation and evaluation of NDCs and designing and strengthening the NAMAs in the context of NDC implementation through robust frameworks for NDC implementation plans and future rounds of NDCs.

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Project Information

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Start Date: 
Monday, January 30, 2017
End Date: 
Monday, November 30, 2020

