Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Resilience in the Pacific Islands

Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Resilience in the Pacific Islands


As this is a pre-concept note, it outlines the project’s components, expected outcomes, expected outputs, and related budget. The project’s goal is to assist Pacific Islands develop hydrological and water resources data, information, product services, and management practices, to strengthen resilience of Pacific peoples to floods and droughts. It builds on existing infrastructure, data and information, institutional settings, and enhancing the safety, health, food and water security, livelihood and other socio-economic well-being of Pacific peoples.


The project’s objectives are: (1) To improve hydrology infrastructure and communication particularly flood and drought data and forecasting systems to improve early warnings; (2) To improve collection, management, interoperability and use of quality assured hydrological data to support hydrology products and services; (3) To strengthen collaboration among hydro-meteorological services, government, and stakeholders to better manage water resources and flood and drought early warning systems; (4) To strengthen the capacity of National Hydrological Services (NHSs) through accredited training/qualification at national and regional levels; (5) To ensure user requirement processes and development of knowledge management products for public awareness and outreach at all levels.


The project has 4 components that will focus on achieving the following: (1) To ensure effective and coordinated hydrology policy, legislation, and regulation; (2) To upgrade and enhance hydrology and water resources operational infrastructure and monitoring systems for improved resilience to hydro-meteorological hazards and threats; (3) To strengthen communication and awareness on the applications and benefits of hydrological data and products; (4) To improve capacity and knowledge of decision-makers and users of hydrological data and products.


The project’s expected outcomes include the following: (1) Improved policies, legislations, regulations, and coordination that promote and enforce resilience measures; (2) Reduced exposure and strengthened Early Warning System (EWS) for climate related hazards and threats including at regional and national scales; (3) Strengthened awareness, ownership and responses to climate related hazards at regional and national scales; and (4) Strengthened capacity of stakeholders to address and respond to hydro-meteorological hazards and threats.


The project’s expected outcomes will focus on the following: (1) Improved integration of surface and groundwater hydrology and water resources management strategies into development plans, legal frameworks and related policies and regulations; (2) Flooding/inundation, drought and groundwater related risk and vulnerability assessments conducted and updated; (3) Targeted population provided with adequate flood and inundation risk reduction systems and information products; (4) Strengthened capabilities and systems to collect, analyse, manage and disseminate hydrological and hazard information; (5) Improved knowledge and learning products through development of knowledge materials; (6) Targeted population groups participation in adaptation and risk reduction awareness activities related to hydrology and water resources; and (7) Improved capacity for NHSs staff through recognised trainings and mentorships; (8) Enhances capacity for preparedness and responses at national level through trainings and consultations.


The Adaptation Fund (AF) will provide resources to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as the Implementing Entity to mobilise the project. The Executing Agencies, SPREP, SPC and WMO, will implement specific project components and activities. The project will also establish a Project Steering Committee (PSC) to oversee the project’s implementation.