Climate Change Finance Readiness for the Pacific
Climate Change Finance Readiness for the Pacific
The Australian-funded, German-implemented CFRP project (a component of SPC/GIZ Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region (CCCPIR) programme) utilises the opportunity of existing public financial management strengthening to also build capacity for access to climate change finance. Good financial management for climate change activities is the same as good financial management for education, e.g. the basics are embodied in the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Framework, a tool used to evaluate PFM systems.
The project builds on experiences gained with multi-sectoral and multipartner approaches to strengthen linkages between sectors and linkages between local and/or provincial level and national governments. Such approaches have been piloted in Kiribati (Whole of Island Approach) and in the Solomon Islands (Ridge to Reef).