"Pacific Fund"

The fund for economic, social and cultural for the Pacific said "Pacific Fund" (FP) is the main instrument of regional cooperation of France in the Pacific. This Fund, which is not intended to replace bilateral cooperation is devoted to regional action to strengthen the partnership between the French local authorities Pacific (New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna Islands) and countries Pacific.

● Will the projects prioritized:

- Projects for the French authorities to be involved in the fight against climate change and to the prevention of disaster risks. France, who will pass in this end of year 2016, the presidency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Morocco, wants to maintain the momentum generated by the success of COP 21, as well as those made at COP 22, and / or which build on the commitments made by States and French communities of Oceania at regional or international meetings.
- Economic and industrial projects such as studies of feasibility, impact studies, training actions implementing the expertise of the French authorities or benefiting them and contributing to the strengthening of trade at regional level.
- Safety projects (fight against endemic diseases, non-communicable or caused by infectious vectors) and food security projects (management of fish stocks, stocks with high potential for economic development and increase regional trade °;

May receive grants to any organization, institution, association, administration, company whose projects meet the vocation Pacific Fund, where the actual co-financing rate reaches a minimum of 50%. Additional financing may be provided by the direct beneficiary of the project, other donors or the provision of material and human resources.

● Procedure:

The draft statement appended completed in French, and its annexes (in French or English) should be sent in electronic format (Word, pdf or excel) before Friday, October 27, 2016, strict deadline to:

Closing Date: 