Online, part time MSc in Global Challenges

Our online, part time MSc in Global Challenges now has a new, clearer website:

There are three postgraduate certificates. Each one takes a multidisciplinary approach that allows you to study while you work, developing your understanding, knowledge and skills to tackle the inter-related global challenges of development, health and environment.

You can study any one of our Postgraduate Certificates over one or two academic years, or study all three for the award of MSc in Global Challenges in three to five years.

As well as being of interest to individuals, the programme can also support organisational continuing professional development programmes. Once you've looked at the website, feel free to contact me with any questions, including how this might support organisational CPD.

Best regards

Osbert Lancaster
Honorary Fellow | Programme Director: PG Certificate Global Environment Challenges | School of Geosciences | University of Edinburgh | +44 (0) 7981 528 991
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.