Lecturer and Climate Resilience and Humanitarian Action (CRHA) Program Coordinator

National University of Vanuatu Job Description and Specification


Job Title: Lecturer and Climate Resilience and Humanitarian Action (CRHA) Program Coordinator

Reporting To: Head, School of Science/Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC)

Job Purpose: Coordinate CRHA Program and serve as NUV Lecturer

Position Summary: To coordinate and further develop all aspects of the CRHA program (50%) and teach NUV courses (50%)

Key Responsibilities– Detailed Listing :

1. Become fully familiar with:

- NUV’s mission, structure, and HR regulations

- NUV’s CRHA program

- Established NUV policies and guidelines

2. Serve as NUV lecturer:

- Effectively teach 2 NUV courses per semester, mainly in the CRHA program

- Actively engage in research, publication, and ongoing professional development

3. Coordinate all aspects of the CRHA program:

- working with DVC, Student Academic and Support Services (SASS), and other relevant staff, ensure that all academic policies are developed, up to date and implemented, including admissions policies, academic integrity policies, student conduct and discipline policies, Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse policies and others

- working with SASS, DVC and other staff, ensure that student recruitment is carried out in a timely fashion and direct student admission process

- working with NUV HR Officer, recruit, select, supervise, support and evaluate part-time and full-time lecturers

- working with SASS and IT team, ensure that lecturer support systems including Moodle and TurnItIn are properly functioning and training is provided to lecturers and students in the CRHA program

- working with the Language Centre, develop appropriate selection and support systems for students, including admission tests and writing support

- plan for and coordinate the full development of the Advanced Diploma in CRHA, including curriculum development and faculty recruitment

- represent the CRHA program at relevant meetings, forums and conferences

- Any other duties as requested by the NUV

Qualifications:  Ph.D. (completed or near completion) Professional experience in a CRHA relevant area Professional experience with teaching at a university level

Special Skills:

Ø In-depth theoretical, research, and professional applied knowledge relevant to a variety of CRHA courses

Ø Cultural understanding of Vanuatu and the Pacific

Ø Excellent written and verbal communication skills

Required Experience:

Ø Teaching experience at the University level preferred

Ø Professional experience in the CRHA area – 5 years

Ø Experience with program management and coordination

Language: Fluency in either English or French – bilingual preferred

Terms and Conditions of Employment:  The National University of Vanuatu is an Equal Employment Opportunity institution committed to diversity. All employment decisions in the NUV shall be based on merit and on equal opportunity. The NUV is committed to ensuring fair, equal, and impartial treatment of all employees in all aspects of employment. The NUV is also committed to gender balance in employment and to providing employment opportunities for people with special needs. In carrying out its employment decisions, NUV will not discriminate on the basis of gender, religion, nationality, race,ethnicity, language, or disability.

Selection Methods: Application, interview, teaching demonstration, submission of relevant work samples

Application: Apply before August 31 2023, at 5 pm by sending a cover letter, CV, names and contact information of 3 professional references, and curriculum samples and/or evidence of teaching experience to apply@univ.edu.vu and crha@univ.edu.vu

Closing Date: 