Health - National Strategic Plan for Malaria Elimination 2021-2030
The Vanuatu Ministry of Health aims to eliminate indigenous malaria transmission from Vanuatuby the end of 2023.This National Strategic Plan for Malaria Elimination in Vanuatu considers the findings andrecommendations of a comprehensive Malaria Program Review conducted in 2018 andextensive follow-up action, health system and financing analysis, impact modelling, anddeliberations by the national Malaria and Other Vector Borne Diseases Control Program andProvincial Health Managers, with the support of WHO and other key partners.To achieve its malaria control and elimination targets, the NVBDCP will work in closepartnership with provincial health services to ensure very high levels of prevention – primarilywith long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets – and universal access to quality-assured diagnosisand treatment are achieved and maintained. It will mobilise local communities and theirrepresentative bodies to adopt healthy behaviours and retain a high level of awareness of theimportance of malaria elimination to Vanuatu. Special attention will be given to employinginnovative approaches towards ensuring safe and effective treatment of Plasmodium vivax withprimaquine, including in remote and outer island settings.It will strengthen and maintain strong surveillance aimed at rapidly identifying, reporting andresponding to every case, and ensuring that every case is followed up within 60 days.Building on experience gained from elimination activities in Tafea province, the Program will useindoor residual insecticide spraying and mosquito breeding site management to selectivelyaccelerate the reduction in malaria transmission or to mitigate outbreaks in higher incidenceareas (based on increasingly precise stratification), and in transmission foci in eliminationsettings and those areas that are already aligned with the prevention of re-introduction and reestablishmentof malaria.Noting the vulnerability of Vanuatu to natural disasters and consequent populationdisplacement, the Program and the MOH will work closely with the National DisasterManagement Office to develop and maintain malaria- and VBD-related preparedness and rapidresponse mechanisms for affected areas and populations.Finally, the Program will work with technical and academic partners to learn and apply newknowledge as it becomes available in order to achieve malaria elimination and prevent its reestablishmentin Vanuatu after elimination of indigenous transmission.