
The Cooperation Convention between France/New Caledonia and Vanuatu aims at strengthening existing links between New Caledonia and Vanuatu as a result of history, geography and culture

In this context, projects aiming at enhancing these cooperation relationships in common fields of interest can be funded.

Recurrence: for projects presenting one or more recurrences from one year to the other, it should be presented in the application file. It will be taken into account without guarantying that funds would be attributed each concerned year. Projects that have already been financed by the Cooperation Convention should be completed with a technical and financial report for the preceding year.

Eligibility Criteria

Field of action :  For 2018, priority fields of action to be funded are exclusively linked to the following sectors : education, francophonie, training and vocational integration for youth, with a special focus on higher education and research sectors.

Beneficiaries : they can be :

- Government departments or services

- Provinces;

- Public infrastructures;

- NGOs and associations.

Formalities  -  contacts

For any information, projects form or application, you can contact:


  1. In Vanuatu :




Unité de coordination des aides et de la négociation (ACNU),

Prime Minister’s Office.

M. Jean-François METMETSAN

Tel : (+678) 22 413/ 7732305

BP 9024, Port-Vila


Service de coopération et d’action culturelle (SCAC),

Ambassade de France au Vanuatu.

Mme Sonia COUPRIE / Mme Violette PERRONNET

Tel : (+678) 28 700/28 725

BP 88, Port-Vila

 You can download projects forms directly from the Embassy website

  1. In New Caledonia

Service de coopération régionale et des relations extérieures (SCRRE),

Gouvernement de Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Mme Marie-Paule CARUSO / M. Alexis LABAU

Tel : (+687) 25 00.41./ 25.00.47

BP M2, 8 route des artifices, 98849 Nouméa Cedex.





You can download projects forms directly from the New Caledonia Government website, section « Relations Extérieures »

The projects forms and their attachments shall be sent

in their electronic format (word, pdf, xcel) to one of the above recipients

at the latest Monday, April 30th  2018

No file sent after this date will be accepted

Closing Date: 