Pacific Green Entrepreneurship Program Consultant

Pacific Green Entrepreneurship Program Consultant

The objective of this consultancy is to support GGGI in developing and implementing a series of three workshops on green entrepreneurship in the Pacific, aimed primarily at young entrepreneurs.  The work will include developing general and country-specific content, designing the workshop agendas, delivering content, facilitating workshop sessions and activities, developing the basis for an ongoing mentorship program, recruiting and registering participants, and developing a guide to green entrepreneurship in the Pacific.  The work will be aligned with GGGI’s global GREENPRENEURS program, and with other grant programs available regionally and in each country.






Pacific – GGGI Green Entrepreneurship Program



Advisory support


Duty Station

Suva, Fiji, with travel to Vanuatu and Kiribati

Contract Length

Start Date

15 May 2018

End Date

15 October 2018



Contract Value

Daily Rate

Deliverable based 

Days Estimated

30 days

Total Fees

Up to USD $15,000 (dependent on qualification)

Specifics of Recruitment

About GGGI

Based in Seoul, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with developing and emerging countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change. 

GGGI supports stakeholders through complementary and integrated workstreams in green growth planning, policy development, investment, implementation, and knowledge sharing that deliver comprehensive products designed to assist in developing, financing, and mainstreaming green growth in national economic development plans. GGGI’s interventions emphasize change in four priority areas considered to be essential to transforming countries’ economies including energy, water, sustainable landscapes, and green cities.  

GGGI runs a Pacific Regional Program based in the Suva, Fiji office within the Fiji Ministry of Economy.  Fiji, Vanuatu, and Kiribati are all members of GGGI, with offices in all three countries.

Objectives/Purpose of the Assignment:

The objective of this consultancy is to support GGGI in developing and implementing a series of three workshops on green entrepreneurship in the Pacific, aimed primarily at young entrepreneurs.  The work will include developing general and country-specific content, designing the workshop agendas, delivering content, facilitating workshop sessions and activities, developing the basis for an ongoing mentorship program, recruiting and registering participants, and developing a guide to green entrepreneurship in the Pacific.  The work will be aligned with GGGI’s global GREENPRENEURS program, and with other grant programs available regionally and in each country.

 Currently, three workshops (1.5 days apiece) are planned with the following tentative timing:

  • Suva, Fiji:  July 2018
  • Port Vila, Vanuatu: September 2018
  • Tarawa, Kiribati:  Aug/Sept 2018

The consultant will be required to travel to each workshop to facilitate and present content.


Project Background

Fiji, Vanuatu, and Kiribati, like many Pacific island nations, are under immediate threat by climate change and other environmental issues.  In addition, all three countries face challenges with creating good job opportunities for young people.  Young people tend to be energetic, creative, and motivated, and can be seen as engines of innovation who are ready to contribute solutions for a healthy environment, safe climate, and thriving clean economy.  However, many do not have the skills or guidance needed to be able to start their own businesses. 

This program aims to prepare youth to develop green business ideas and give them the skills they need to bring these ideas to fruition and make an impact on green growth in their country. In light of all three countries’ commitments to addressing climate change, as well as the challenges that still remain in reaching these goals, this program also offers the opportunity to harness the energy and ideas of youth in designing green business concepts that can help Pacific countries meet their emissions reductions and other climate change and green growth goals while creating green jobs and developing local green industries. 

Several programs currently exist at the global, regional, and country levels to provide grant funding, training, and other guidance to young entrepreneurs.  This program will link with these programs as appropriate, and incorporate content aimed at supporting participants in successfully applying for these programs.  These include, but are not limited to:

  • GGGI Global GREENPRENEURS competition and grant program
  • The Fiji Youth Entrepreneur Scheme (YES) program, run by the Fiji Ministry of Industry and Trade (MITT)
  • PCREEE Sustainable Energy Business Development Support Facility


To date, the project team has initiated cooperation with the following institutions in each country:

  • Fiji:  University of the South Pacific, USP (advertising, recruiting participants, venue), Ministry of Industry and Trade (advertising, recruiting participants, content development)
  • Vanuatu: Pacific Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE, potential joint delivery and organization of workshop)

 The following is an overview of the intended program:


  • Participants:  The intended audience is young people ages 17-35.   Target group is 20-30 participants per workshop.  Participants will be required to register in advance and be accepted. They will be asked to provide proof of age, their business idea and how it is green, or why they are interested in green business/what they want to get out of the workshop.


  • Structure:  The workshops will be 1.5 days long, with a mixture of presentations and interactive, hands-on activities.  Content will include
    • What is a Green Business
    • Overview of environmental issues in your country*
    • Idea Development/brainstorming/feedback on existing ideas
    • Business plan basics
    • Basics of starting a business in your country*
    • Presentations from local green businesses*
    • Information on available grant programs/tips for a successful application
    • Evening networking reception


*Content will be specific to each country, with the exception of Fiji, which may contain some information specific to the region as a whole or other countries, depending on where the participants are from.


  • Mentorship aspects:  Representatives from local green businesses will be recruited to act as mentors for the participants.  They will present overviews of their experiences at the workshops, help provide feedback on participants’ business ideas, and meet with participants during the evening reception.  They will be asked to continue mentoring the participants on an ongoing basis following the workshop.


  • Guide to Green Entrepreneurship in the Pacific:  Following the workshops, the content developed for each country will be published online as a guide to green entrepreneurship that can be used by others.


Institutional Arrangements

The Consultant shall work closely with the following institutions and offices: 

  • GGGI Fiji Country Office, located within the Ministry of Economy in Suva
  • GGGI Vanuatu Country Office, located within Ministry of Climate Change in Port Vila
  • GGGI Kiribati Country Office, located within the Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Agriculture Development (MELAD)
  • GGGI headquarters office in Seoul
  • Fiji Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Kiribati Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Cooperatives (MCIC)
  • Kiribati Ministry of Women, Youth and Social Affairs (MWYSA)
  • Vanuatu Ministry of Trade, Commerce, Industries, and Tourism
  • Pacific Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • University of the South Pacific
  • Kiribati Technical Institute
  • Others as identified by GGGI.


Scope of Work:

Throughout the project, the consultant shall work closely with GGGI and discuss tasks, workshop plans, content, and activities as they progress. Specific tasks for this assignment shall include the following:


  1. Kick-Off Meeting: participate in a kick-off meeting with GGGI and other partners as appropriate. A meeting note should be produced confirming the methodology and work plan for the assignment.


  1. Design the workshop agendas.  The consultant shall work closely with GGGI to develop the workshop agendas and to recruit/organize outside speakers as needed.  This includes contacting and inviting speakers such as representatives from local businesses and government.
  2. Recruit participants.  The consultant shall work closely with GGGI and other partners to run an expression of interest (EOI) to solicit participants, and develop and distribute advertising materials for the workshops.  The consultant shall solicit and record registration information via Google forms and work with GGGI to approve participants and distribute information to them prior to and following the workshop.
  3. Develop workshop content and activities.  The consultant shall perform background research and prepare materials for the workshop, including:
    1. Detailed agenda
    2. Presentation materials (PowerPoint slides or alternative as agreed)
    3. Other supporting material as needed (for example, worksheets for interactive activities or handouts)

Draft materials shall be submitted to GGGI according to the agreed-upon workplan, and edited as needed to final versions.

  1. Design a simple mentorship program.  The consultant shall contact and recruit representatives from local businesses (target 5-6 per workshop) to participate in the workshop as mentors.  The consultant shall also develop a brief plan/TOR for encouraging ongoing mentorship of the participants post-workshop (although facilitating this ongoing piece is not part of the scope of this project).
  2. Facilitate workshop sessions and activities.  The consultant shall travel to all three workshops, and deliver presentations on the content she/he has developed.  The consultant shall also facilitate the interactive/hands-on activities in the agenda unless other arrangements have been made (i.e. outside speakers).  The consultant shall ensure that participants fill out the GGGI-supplied workshop survey at the conclusion of the event.
  3. Develop guides to green entrepreneurship in the Pacific.  The consultant shall develop a written guide to green entrepreneurship in each country, based on the workshop content, that can be used as a knowledge product following the workshops.  The content for the three guides will be mostly the same, plus specific sections tailored to each country describing the process of starting a business in each one and providing useful links as appropriate. Draft guides shall be submitted to GGGI according to the agreed-upon workplan and edited as needed by the consultant to final versions.


Output/Reporting Requirements/Deliverables:

The consultant shall report regularly to the Project Lead (GGGI Pacific Regional Representative in Fiji). The consultant must work as part of a team with GGGI, and other partners at all times.  Microsoft PowerPoint and Word products must be delivered using GGGI templates provided.


Proposed deliverables include:


  1. Kick-off meeting note and work plan
  2. Detailed workshop agendas
  3. Draft workshop content and presentations
  4. Final workshop content and presentations
  5. Draft mentorship program plan (to be delivered prior to workshops)
  6. Final mentorship program plan
  7. Draft guide
  8. Final guide


All of the consultant’s work products developed and used for this project will be transferred to and become the property of the Global Green Growth Institute.


The following is the payment schedule for deliverables.  Due dates for outputs 2, 3, and 4 are subject to change based on the workshop schedule.



Percentage of Max Amount

Due Date

Output 1: Kick-off meeting note and work plan


Week 2

Output 2: Fiji workshop completed (including delivery of content)

20% each


Total: 60% 


End of September

Output 3: Vanuatu workshop completed (including delivery of content)

Output 4: Kiribati workshop completed (including delivery of content)

Output 5: Final Mentorship Program Plan


October 15

Output 6: Final Guide

 If the Individual Consultant is required by GGGI to travel on official business to a location(s) other than the Individual Consultant’s Duty Station, such travel shall be at the expense of GGGI in accordance with GGGI’s travel policy and guidelines.



  • An advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent preferred) in a discipline related to sustainability, business, green growth, environmental science, or entrepreneurship;
  • At least 2 years of professional experience in developing countries and/or in the Pacific region;
  • At least 8 years of professional experience in a related field, such as business, entrepreneurship, training, sustainability, environmental science, green growth, etc.;
  • Direct prior experience working with the private sector, youth, academic institutions, and/or non-governmental organizations based in the Pacific region;
  • Knowledge and experience related to environmental issues and green growth in the Pacific region;
  • Experience organizing and facilitating workshops and/or events;
  • Excellent and dynamic presentation skills;
  • Strong command of Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint software;
  • Strong writing, editing, and proofreading skills in English;


Documents to be submitted:

  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • Writing sample
  • Presentation sample

Apply here


Closing Date: 