AWS Installation Report
The Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Vanuatu, contracted NIWA (The National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd) for the ‘Supply, delivery and installation of Automatic Weather Stations in 6 different locations in Vanuatu’ (SC G02). This work supports the Adaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone in Vanuatu (V-CAP) project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, implemented by UNDP and the Vanuatu Ministry of Climate Change. The work aligns with the Vanuatu Framework for Climate Services developed in 2016.The overall goal of the project was to enable the Government of Vanuatu to develop improved climate information and early warning services for the people of Vanuatu, particularly in vulnerable coastal areas of the country. Specific deliverables of the NIWA Contract for Services focussed on assisting the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazards Department (VMGD) to enhance near real-time management of climate and hydrometric data, and improve the functionality of the Vanuatu Climate Early Warning System (CLEWS). Core activities included building complete, end-to-end CLEWS functionality: ▪ automatic weather stations, ▪ telemetry for real time data transfer, ▪ data management and quality assurance, ▪ climate monitoring tools, and ▪ sector-customised reporting services.
NIWA VCAP Completion Report v6.pdf (3.47 MB)