MCCA 2016 Annual Report

Below is an extract of the Minister's Forward from the MCCA 2016 Annual Report:It is with pleasure that I hereby submit to Parliament the 2016 Annual Report of the Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation (MCCA), Meteorology & Geo-Hazards, Energy, Environment and National Disaster Management Office.It is said that if “you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” Continuous improvement is only possible if you review your old planning and implementation to ensure following initiatives are underpinned by sound problem solving and practical, strategic targets. Therefore, the 2016 Annual Report for the Ministry of Climate Change is an important document in the planning process, allowing our Ministry to assess what has been done well and what activities remain to be implemented or strengthened in the coming year.In 2016 the nation of Vanuatu continued to resolve issues caused by 2015 Cyclone Pam followed in 2016 by a strong El Nino and the threat of a La Nina event. Innovative responses to “Build Back Better and Stronger” were supported by our development partners, the private sector and Non Government Organisations both regionally and internationally. These efforts will continue into 2017.At this point, I would like to recognise the contribution of our dedicated, professional team. The Ministry is fortunate to have well-educated technical and management officers delivering the Ministry’s program and projects often in very difficult and dangerous conditions, in isolated rural locations.The closing function for the Ministry proved the opportunity to publicly recognise with Vanuatu Medals the services of long serving staff retiring after three decades of service. I wish to take the opportunity to name these officers - Leo Moli, Mercy Nalawas, Peter Feke, Paul Manamena and Philip Namu.--------------------Honourable Minister Ham LINI VANUAROROA (MP) Minister of Climate Change Adaptation


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