GCF Project Profile Form
The Project Profile Form is part of the NAB's interim Green Climate Fund Project Appraisal process. Project proponents wishing to apply for the Green Climate Fund should fill out this form.Before filling out this form, there are a few important things to note:Applicants must find an Accredited Entity (AE) that is committed to apply for funding on your behalf. Only AEs are eligible to apply for GCF funding. A complete list of AEs can be accessed on the AE Directory.Strong applications outline clear mitigation or adaptation benefits in at least one of the eight impact areas. Applications should demonstrate alignment with priorities outlined in the national and sectoral policies of the Republic of Vanuatu.Competitive applications meet the Investment Framework Indicative Assessment Criteria.The form should be emailed to the NAB Secretariat at nab@meteo.gov.vu for review and screening.
GCF Project Profile Form .docx (171.62 KB)