Cyclone Support Plan 2016 - 2017

It is a plan that details the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery arrangements in the event of a cyclone impacting on the Republic of Vanuatu. This plan clearly states out the guidelines and information to all responding agencies on what needs to be done in coordinated planning during a cyclone in line with the National Disaster Management Act NO 31 of 2000 and the Disaster Risk Management National Action Plan 2006-2016. Vanuatu is the world’s most at risk country for natural hazards, according to a UN University World Risk Index. A proof to that study result is the passage of devastating Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Pam (TC Pam) in March 2015 where numbers of lessons learned have been raised and discussed amongst humanitarian bodies as recommendations and way forward. The NDMO is pleased to confirm that this 2016-2017 review of the Cyclone Support Plan is the major review of that document so far. We made sure that keys points raised during the TC Pam ‘Lessons Learned’ workshop were captured in this plan for a better coordination of response right after a cyclone has occurred. National coordination is indeed very important to make sure all the available resources are used accordingly to avoid duplication of effort.Disaster is everybody’s business, for this reason number of consultations have been conducted with various government agencies and working stakeholders to collect their inputs and including them in this review of the plan. This document is the foundation of all agencies to see how best they can prepare to respond to cyclones at the right time, with the right resources, for the benefit of the affected people anywhere in Vanuatu.To download the copy of the Cyclone Support Plan 2016-2017, visit the Vanuatu NDMO website via this link.


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