Food Security Preliminary Report 2016

 Comparing to the October Food Security PDM there was an increase percentage of respondent have said "Yes" they have gone to sleep at night hungry because there was no food. –referring to question 8 and 9 In addition a question was asked around if women who are pregnant or breast feeding have to go to bed without food because there is not enough food. There was an increase total 0f 60% respondents who have said "Yes". –referring to question 10 Findings: Comments around how they access food: "Families in Vila send Rice but they still eat sugar banana" "When no ash, we have cabbage and root crops but for a very small time" "As a widow, I find it challenging so I weave mats and baskets to sell and pay for food" "We trade with fish for root crops and coconut for greens and vegetables" "Harvest banana that is not ready" "Share small food with others" "Pay for food in the market" Findings on what they eat: 22% of the respondent mention that they eat sugar banana and coconut including Nabalango (an eatable leaf they chew with coconut and salt) leaf and its fruit. Few mentions about drinking more water and eating mushrooms. However, 86% of comments collected from the 122 respondent mentioned food shortages – many mention volcanic ash as the main contributing factors to food shortage while few mention El Nino and TC Pam that makes it worst. A total of 33% requested for food assistance. Recommendation comment: "We really need help to sustain our Food Security"


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