2014 Climate Zone Final Report
The Government of Vanuatu organized a third consecutive Climate Zone Quiz Competition in 2014 following the success and widespread interest of the two previous years’ events. The Vanuatu Ministry of Education’s Curriculum Development Unit and the SPC-GIZ Climate Change Program were the primary facilitators of this year’s Climate Zone. the 2014 competition was financially and technically supported by:• Government of Vanuatu• National Advisory Board on Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction• Vanuatu Meteorology & Geohazards Department• Ministry of Education• Ministry of Climate Change• German Embassy• French Embassy of Port Vila• SPC-GIZ Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Islands Region (CCCPIR)• UNDP Pacific Risk Resilience Program• SPC – USAID• Oxfam Australia• Live & Learn• Save the Children• Vanuatu Red Cross Society• Care International• University of the South Pacific• Vanuatu Television and Broadcasting Company• SHEFA Provincial Government• Port Vila Municipal Government• The University of the South Pacific• Vanuatu Institute of Teacher’s Education (VITE)• AusAid• Vanuatu Climate Action Network• Digicel VanuatuKey Contacts• Vanuatu Curriculum Development Unit- James Melteres:jmelteres@vanuatu.gov.vu• SPC-GIZ Climate Change- Dr. Christopher Bartlett: Christopher.Bartlett@giz.de

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