Methodology Annex VCAP Community Engagement 2015
This annex report captures and describes the various community engagement tools and approaches utilized while facilitating community based vulnerability assessments and CCAPlanning activities for the project “Adaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone in Vanuatu” known as VCAP (Vanuatu Coastal Adaptation Project). V-CAP is a 5-year climatechange adaptation project supported by the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) managed by the Global Environment Facility. The Government of Vanuatu is implementingVCAP through partnership with UNDP.Component 1 of VCAP, which consists of integrated community approaches to climate change adaptation, is the largest component of the project and will be implemented in all 6provinces of Vanuatu. This component will focus at both the community and Area Council levels. In 2015, this component focused on implementation in three provinces: Tafea, Shefaand Penama provinces (*see Project Board Meeting minutes from June 18, 2015 for more information).The VCAP Project Board Minutes from June 18th, 2015 contain reference to the Project Board endorsing vulnerability assessment and CCA planning missions with communities onPage 3: “DG Napat states that in the interim, Request for Service from UNDP may be necessary to start initial engagement with communities, as the government has beenpreoccupied with early recovery efforts from TC Pam and political instability. When Project Implementation Unit is hired and functioning within PMU, it will be easier to take the lead inthis NIM but it is important not to fall behind now”.