Together, Becoming Resilient

Together, Becoming Resilient


According to the UN World Risk Report (2012) Vanuatu has the highest disaster risk index of any country in the world. Its location on the Pacific “ring of fire” gives it exposure to frequent seismological hazards such as volcanic eruption, earthquake and tsunami. It is also located in the tropical cyclone belt and suffers frequent cyclones with extreme winds and rainfall events causing extensive damage to human settlements and crops.

In this context the Red-Cross has been supporting the NDMO since 2010 to strength the disaster preparedness in a multi-level approach. To do so the FRC/VRCS strength the NDMO network from the national to the community level by setting up of the Community Disaster and Climate Change Committee (CDCCC) and train Provincial Disaster Committee in Torba province.

Since 2014 FRC and VCRS, together with the NDMO, have identified South and South East Malekula in Malampa province as news priorities to expand Community base disaster risk reductions activities into 8 communities.

The methodology cover the community risk assessment, DRR awareness, first aid training, development of mitigation and response plan, as well as the improvement of early warning system by installation of HF radios.

The second target will be to strengthen the capacity of the Provincial Authorities to manage disasters. A simulation exercise will be done at provincial level and a full CBDRR training of trainer will be given to the area council secretary for them to follow and replicate the activities of the project. Indeed the support of Torba and Malampa Provincial Administration in monitoring CBDRR activities will be our first priority.

At the National, support is given to NDMO to develop standards procedures for CBDRR. A contribution in risk assessment will be also done by supporting the Vanuatu geohazard in the design of a volcanic risk mapping for the island of Ambrym.


Project Status: 

Project Primary Groups

Project Sites: 

Area 1: Farun / Akhamb (2 communities)

Latitude: -16.508282
Longitude: 167.648146

Area 2: Maskeline :Pelonk / Peskarus /Lutes (3 communities)

Latitude: -16.525398
Longitude: 167.821181

Area 3: Lanvitvit, Lambul, Fartavo (3 communities)

Latitude: -16.344944
Longitude: 167.744277

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Project Information

Short Title: 
Project Scope: 
Start Date: 
Thursday, July 31, 2014
End Date: 
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Implementing Agency: 