Coastal Change in the Pacific Islands (Coastal Change Toolkit)
The Coastal Change Toolkit focuses on helping communities understand how coastlines work and what causes coastal change, and supporting decision-making to reduce the impacts of coastal hazards such as flooding and erosion on communities.
It is divided into 1) Volume One: Outreach 2) Volume Two: Planning.
Volume (1) provides detailed outreach materials to support an understanding of how coastlines work and what causes coastal flooding and shoreline change (natural and human-related). Volume (2) provides participatory processes that enable community members to use local knowledge to understand changes in their coastline and support decision-making that is best for local situations and capacity.
Both of the volumes in this guide can be used together as a step-by-step process to carry out outreach and conduct planning to select a suite of appropriate actions that, in combination, address local coastal hazard issues. Alternately, the individual volumes can be used separately to support existing community resource-management processes such as raising awareness or completing vulnerability assessments.
COASTAL CHANGE IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS Volume One: A Guide to Support Community Understanding of Coastal Erosion and Flooding Issues (8 MB)
COASTAL CHANGE IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS Volume Two: A Guide to Support Community Decision-Making on Coastal Erosion and Flooding Issues (1 MB)
This document is published by the Micronesia Conservation Trust and was made possible by the generous support of the Australian Government funded community based adaptation project led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), the Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).