The International Conference On Climate Services

Agriculture, livestock, and related activities make up roughly 25% of Uruguay’s economy. The contribution of agricultural activity to Uruguay’s exports is also large and growing. In this context, Minister Tabaré Aguerre presented on Uruguay’s AgroInteligente strategy, which includes: 1. Promotion of competitiveness and international integration 2. Sustainable intensification 3. Adaptation of production systems to climate change 4. Competitive inclusion of family agriculture in value chains 5. Strengthening and integration of relevant institutions The strategy includes the development of a National System for Agricultural Information, which is designed to integrate the dispersal of agricultural, climate and natural resource management as a public good. The system will improve existing climate and natural resource databases; inform improved seasonal forecast systems, establish Early Warning Systems; improve real-time monitoring of climate and vegetation; and develop simulation models to assess the impact of adopting different adaptation technologies. 


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