I am pleased to present the Annual Development Report (ADR) of the Vanuatu Government for the year 2010. This report provides information on the progress of the implementation of national development priorities and major Government policies as expressed in the seven chapters of the Priorities and Action Agenda (PAA) and the Planning Long and Acting Short (PLAS) matrix: • Macroeconomic stability and equitable growth; • Private sector development and employment creation; • Good governance and public sector reform; • Primary sector development and the environment; • Provision of basic services and strengthening social development; • Education and human resource development; • Infrastructure and utilities. The report also looks at the impacts of the implementation of policies supported by the Government, such as the Universal Primary Education policy, and the New Zealand Regional Seasonal Employment scheme. This year, the office of the prime minister is finalising the mid-term review of the PAA (2006- 2015). The review will ensure that all international and regional commitments are integrated into national policy priorities. This will mean that the implementation progress of regional and international initiatives including the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) will be monitored and reported based on the performance indicators. The review will also assess and improve the linkage of national strategic priorities to ministries’ corporate plans and Departments’ business plans.GOVERNMENT OF VANUATU - ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT - 2010 Department of Strategic Policy, Planning and Aid Coordination – Monitoring and Evaluation Unit 3 Two years after the establishment of the Monitoring & Evaluation Unit at the Prime Minister’s Office, it is still a national challenge to obtain meaningful and reliable data from line ministries and various national institutions. The Ministry of Prime Minister has worked closely with the line ministries in the last 6 months, in an effort to improve the design of meaningful indicators and strengthen the collection of data to give them an appropriate value. The assistance to the line ministries, in this first phase, has consisted in redefining their objectives (desired outcomes) in alignment with the national policy priorities (PAA, PLAS), redefining the expected delivery of services (desired outputs), and redefining performance indicators accordingly. These efforts we believe will contribute to improve the collection of information and the reliability of data to be used by policy makers. The Annual Development Report serves as a monitoring mechanism that provides information that we believe will inform various stakeholders and donor partners on the reforms undertaken and the progress made to achieve national development objectives. I would like to emphasize that, during the coming year; the government will maintain its commitment not only to implement the government policies but to also assess the impacts of such policies and programs on the welfare of our people, and report on the achievements and failure. That is the only way to address the issues that are hindering development efforts. It is my hope that this report will provide valuable information to inform the public, stakeholders and donor partners on the implementation progress of Prioritised Action Agenda (PAA), the Planning Long and Acting Short (PLAS) and other policy initiatives that have been implemented in 2010. It is my wish that year after year, we improve the format and content of this Annual Development Report to better serve our nation and our development partners.

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