Decision-making for climate resilient livelihoods and risk reduction: A Participatory Scenario Planning approach
1) Decision-making for climate resilient livelihoods and risk reduction: A Participatory Scenario Planning approach(
The Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) supports improved communication of climate information to vulnerable rural communities and local governments as a key element of community based adaptation to climate change impacts. Participatory scenario planning, or PSP, is one approach which uses seasonal climate forecasts to inform decisions for more resilient livelihoods and risk management, thereby strengthening adaptive capacity. PSP workshops create a multi-stakeholder platform for collective interpretation of meteorological and local forecasts and their probability and uncertainty. This brief describes the PSP process and its outcomes and benefits. PSPs in Kenya and Ghana have already resulted in enhanced relations between meteorologists and local actors, flexible locally owned decision making and greater confidence in local knowledge and innovation. (See the related ALP Kenya August community story