
Minister of Climate Change, Silas Bule, has described Vanuatu’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) as one of the most ambitious in the world. NDCs are the heart of the Paris Agreement, as ...
Post Date: 15-Aug-2022
The National COVID19 Advisory Team at the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) is putting together a detailed repatriation plan for the return of all Vanuatu citizens stranded overseas due to ...
Post Date: 22-May-2020
The national government is currently providing assistance to all its citizens stranded in different parts of the world following border lockdowns amidst COVID-19 pandemic. The National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) ...
Post Date: 14-May-2020
01 May 2015 - News Story  The South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu, a state member of IUCN, confronted the utter devastation of category 5 Tropical Cyclone Pam which tore through ...
Post Date: 30-Jun-2015
Bonn, April 29, 2013. Inaugurating its first negotiation session, as the new chair of the group of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Mr. Prakash Mathema from Nepal, urges Parties to ...
Post Date: 30-Apr-2013