Regional Climate Action Networks gather at Reflection and Learning event to look at Collaboration, Influencing and Learning initiatives of Oxfam’s climate change project – PACCCIL
The Pacific Climate Change Collaboration, Influencing and Learning (PACCCIL) Project is holding its Regional Reflection and Learning Event from the 27th February to 3rd March, 2023, at the Heritage Park Hotel in Honiara, Solomon Islands.
The PACCCIL project is a 4 year project (2018 – 2022) with an extension of 1 year ending July 2023, delivered by Oxfam in the Pacific, with support from the Australian Government, aimed at building action on climate change and disaster resilience in the Pacific and beyond in a more effective, inclusive and collaborative manner.
The Regional Reflection have gathered Climate Action Networks from the Pacific from Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Kiribati and Tuvalu who are the project’s implementing partners and potential countries for expansion for the Project’s second phase. The goal of this reflection is to bring CSO climate action networks together to reflect on progress to date, and to discuss the opportunities of the next phase of the PACCCIL project. PACCCIL partners which include Solomon Islands Climate Action Network (SICAN), Vanuatu Climate Action Network (VCAN), Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) along with potential partners Tuvalu Climate Action Network (TuCAN) and Kiribati Climate Action Network (KIRICAN) will be gathering to provide valuable inputs into the design of Phase 2 of PACCCIL.
“Oxfam’s PACCCIL project is a great example of collaboration with civil society organisations for a climate-just transformation,” says Eunice Wotene, Executive Director for Oxfam in the Pacific. No doubt this reflection and learning event will be an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the work of our partners and also get their inputs into the next phase of PACCCIL. Ultimately, the PACCCIL project is driven by our partners and in turn transform their communities and beneficiaries.”
“We will be reviewing the project’s Theory of Change to ensure that it still aligns with regional priorities and contexts. We look forward to the learnings, reflections and also the opportunities for greater collaboration and influencing amongst partners and stakeholders especially with climate finance and climate justice initiatives,” says Ms Kesaia Vasutoga, PACCCIL’s Project Manager and Capacity Building Adviser.
“The Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) was excited to participate in this reflection event with key partners across the region,” said Jeshua Hope, representative of PICAN and focal point for the network’s Gender and Climate Justice working group. “As the climate crisis continues to disproportionately affect Pacific Islanders already at the forefront of climate change as well as further exacerbating the plight of women, children, indigenous people and local communities, and people of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics, it’s clear that convening spaces for greater partnership and collaboration is key to enhancing the region’s goal for a feminist climate justice and 1.5-degree world.”