Nationally Determined Contributions, Climate finance and Nature-based Solutions

NDC - Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Change Adaptation

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) form the core of the Paris Agreement and provide the framework for countries climate policies. From 24 to 26 February, the Regional Pacific NDC Hub is organising a two-day webinar to invite its member countries and organizations to know more about leveraging climate action.

This training includes three modules:  NDCs, Access to Climate Finance and Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Change Adaptation. It provides a major opportunity for the participants to strengthen their national ambitions on climate change.

“Climate action cannot be effective without taking into consideration the inclusion of Nature-based Solutions into national programmes. This requires unlocking financial mechanisms to support climate mitigation and understand that NDCs are primary policy instrument for protecting people's wellbeing and future. The webinar seeks to catalyse transformative change in our relationship with nature to limit global warming to 1.5 °C, compared to pre-industrial levels.”, said Christian Goerg, Project Manager of the Regional Pacific NDC Hub. 

The webinar is also designed to exchange experiences, ideas and critical reflections around the session themes, with regard to integrating NbS in NDCs and various aspects of climate finance to help strategize effective NDCs implementation.

It is provided through the Regional Pacific NDC Hub - by its partners the Pacific Community and the Secretariat of the Secretariat of Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) - and the Kiwa Initiative.


Module 1: Nationally Determined Contributions
Pacific countries are encouraged to improve their NDCs through a clear and inclusive process with high-level buy-in; align their NDCs with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and communicate their NDCs transparently. NDCs tend to be interdisciplinary in nature, requiring involvement from multiple different ministries and implementing agencies, as well as participation and understanding of the civil society.

Module 2: Access to Climate Finance
Climate financing is key to realise most of the Pacific Island Countries and Territories climate change ambitions. It is one of the most important enablers in the context of the Paris Agreement and more crucial to the countries most vulnerable to climate change in the region. The mobilization of climate finance resources has always been problematic. This webinar provides an overview of the available financing options, access modalities, and funding priorities and assists participants in enhancing their countries' capacities towards climate finance readiness.

Module 3: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Change Adaptation
NbS are centred on the protection, restoration, and sustainable management of our ecosystems, often focusing on the causes and consequences of climate change. Most of the Pacific NDCs reflect actions and targets for management, protection of terrestrial forests and afforestation, and restoration of wetlands and coastal ecosystems, often contemplated under the mitigation and adaptation targets.