E-Course: Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Mitigation Initiatives
The online ‘Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Mitigation Initiatives’ e-Course from the World Bank Group is back again in its facilitated version. The course is free of cost and will be moderated by Anna Williams, Founder and Director of Perspectiō and author of ‘Options for Results Monitoring and Evaluation for Resilience – building Operations’
What is the course about?
Climate mitigation initiatives are projects and programs designed to reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions, such as programs promoting energy efficient buildings and appliances. Although the term “initiatives” in this course most often refers to climate projects and programs, it also applies to other focus areas, such as thematic investments aiming to expand the use of particular technologies or aiming to spur engagement from private sector actors. “Initiatives” can also refer to the work of entire organizations or multiple organizations working together.
The course generally relates to initiatives supported through international climate finance, which is public funding channeled from donor countries to recipient countries to support climate change mitigation. The Climate Investment Funds, Green Climate Fund, and Global Environment Facility, Climate are three of the largest international institutions providing publically funded climate finance for mitigation activities around the world, and many countries are individually making large investments in mitigation around the world. Other types of funders that invest in mitigation include local governments, civil society organizations, and private philanthropies.
Note: M&E of other climate change finance related to adaptation/resilience, forests and land use, and other related investments are not covered in these lessons.
Wait no more! For more details to the course and to Enroll with the course starting November 6th, please visit the link below