Climate Change logo and awareness materials unveiled
The logo and awareness materials to promote the work of the Department of Climate Change (DoCC) has been launched yesterday.
The logo reflects the mission of the department and it adheres to the National Sustainable Development Plan.
It was designed by Juliana Abel, a Year 12 student of Malapoa College.
DoCC Senior Mitigation Officer Nelson Kalo said the department decided to engage students in the logo design competition to educate them on the issue of climate change.
The winner of the logo competition received Vt50, 000 cash prize. Several schools throughout the country participated in the competition.
The Information, Education and Communication awareness materials such as posters and brochures will be used by the staff of the department in future outreach and awareness programs to the national and provincial stakeholders, as well as the general public.
Acting Director General of the Ministry of Climate Change, Esline Garaebiti Bule, said the logo is the department’s brand at international events.
“The DoCC’s main focus is to help coordinate the mainstreaming of climate change across all sectors,” she said.
“The department will also concentrate on helping the government to meet its international obligations on climate change,” she said.
Acting DG Bule and the Minister of Climate Change, Ham Lini, unveiled the logo at the MoCC in the presence of the other government officials from the MoCC.
DoCC Director Mike Waiwai presented the goals, mission, values and strategic objectives of the department before the unveiling.
He emphasized on the department’s mission to promote an enabling environment encompassing climate government, adaptation and mitigation approaches via inclusive and equitable services and vision for ‘A sustainable and climate resilient Vanuatu’.
The DoCC was established in 2018 following the approval of the Council of Ministers.
Currently, the department has eight staff. Its business plan, vision and mission objectives were launched last month.
Vanuatu is the first country in the Pacific region to have its own Ministry and Department of Climate Change.
Establishing a separate department for climate change is part of showing to the rest of the world that Vanuatu is committed to contribute to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement goals.