Call for Applications: Training Workshop on Managing Project Preparation for Climate Change Adaptation (Bangkok, Thailand)

The Asian Institute of Technology is calling applications for the Training Programme on Managing Project Preparation for Climate Change Adaptation.

Organiser: Asian Institute of Technology in co-operation with United Nations Development Programme

Dates: 11 - 15 September 2017

Venue: Bangkok, Thailand


This training programme aims to develop skills that are essential for engaging in or supervising the preparation of bankable climate change adaptation projects that effectively address the most important adaptation needs, while attending to the requirements of specific international financial institutions. 

These skills include:

  • Prioritising adaptation needs according to environmental and socio-economic criteria
  • Identifying financing sources and their requirements
  • Understanding and complying with fiduciary requirements of international financial institutions

(e.g. procurement, financial management, economic and financial analysis, financial and operational sustainability, risk assessment and risk management)

The methodology and training materials for the workshop have been developed under the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific project.

The training programme is offered under the umbrella of the Climate Change Asia initiative (

Target Audience:

The target audience for the training programme is policy and technical staff from national governments, non-governmental organisations, academia and the private sector who are involved in national adaptation planning process and/or development of project proposals on climate change adaptation, or will perform such tasks in the future.

The training programme is limited to 25 participants consisting of 15 fully-funded and 10 self-funded. Self-funded participants will have to cover travel and accommodation expenses. However, course fee, meals, and training materials will be provided free of charge.

Programme Website:

For information on application process and forms, course contents, and agenda, visit the training programme website here:

Alternative Links:

Download the Application Form here:

Download the Concept Note here:


The deadline for application is 18 August 2017.

Contact for inquiries: