Mainstreaming Climate Change in Agricultural Investment

FAO Releases Guidance on Mainstreaming Climate Change into Agricultural Programmes


FAOJune 2012: With the integration of climate change into sectoral programmes, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO) has developed a guidance document to assist investment project formulation practitioners in mainstreaming climate change considerations into investment projects.

The guidance was developed by FAO’s Investment Centre Division, in collaboration with FAO’s Climate, Energy and Tenure Division. It is intended for development professionals and government officials involved in agricultural and rural development investment operations.

The publication provides information on good practices on rapid assessments, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and disaster risk reduction (DRR). It aims to: help increase awareness and understanding of the basics of climate change adaptation and mitigation; highlight the relevance of climate change to a proposed agricultural investment programme; identify tools, information sources and methods for adaptation and mitigation; and incorporate climate change into every phase of the programme cycle. [Publication: Incorporating Climate Change Considerations Into Agricultural Investment Programmes: A Guidance Document]