Coral Trinagle Lessons Learned

rom: Tabi Gerian []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:04 PM
To:;;; Kalna Arthur; Donna Kalfatak;; Rolenas Baereleo;;; Ian Kalsuak; Richard Edwin; Hollingsworth Ala; Bartlett, Christopher GIZ FJ;;; tobed
Cc: Albert Williams; etika rupeni
Subject: Invitation for Lessons Learning and Best Management Practices Workshop - Coral Triangle Project

Gud dei long yufala evriwan,
The Department of Environment Protection & Conservation is inviting you all to the Lessons Learning and Best Management Practices Workshop which is part of the "Strengthening Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle of the Pacific" facilitated through the office of the above named project established within DEPC. With the invitation, you will also find some brief Background of the Project, Goal, Objective of the workshop and the Agenda. You will also note that some participants will be expected to do a brief presentation based on their respective stakeholder initiatives and maybe offer lessons learned from these initiatives and best management practices that could be useful for this particular project and could be developed into a regional document with information gathered from other participating countries as well.
If you have been tasked to do a brief presentation and would like further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me or Etika Rupeni who is copied in this email and will be the facilitator of the workshop.
Venue: The Melanesian Hotel, Port Vila
Date:    Tuesday, 14th August 2012
Time:    9.00am
Would be grateful if you can confirm your participation to me and we look forward to your participation.
Thank you,
Senior Program & Finance Manager
ADB TA7753: Strengthening Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the  Coral Triangle of the Pacific
Department of Environment Protection & Conservation
P M B 063
Tel: (678) 22156
Mob: (678) 7778633


Event Details

Start / End Date: 
Monday, August 13, 2012 - 20:00

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