Vanuatu Fuel Standards Policy Brief
The development of the Vanuatu Vehicle Emission Standards Policy Brief is a joint effort led by the Government of Vanuatu through the Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology & Geo-Hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Management and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities, with technical support from the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and inputs from various key stakeholders in Vanuatu. The Government would like to thank all individuals and groups and in particular fuel importers and sellers in Vanuatu who have contributed by providing vital information, data, participating in consultations and meetings and reviewing the documents. A special thanks to the GGGI team in particular Dr. Julia Hollnagel, Senior Officer for Pacific Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Mr. Jesse Benjamin, Senior Program Officer for Vanuatu and Miguel Londoño, Program Manager for the Low Emissions Climate Resilient Development (LECRD) Program. We also acknowledged the support from Ian Twomey, Director of Envisory Group in New Zealand who have contributed to the National Fuel Standards Policy Brief. Vanuatu has been a proud member of GGGI since 2014 and GGGI is proud to support Vanuatu’s green growth and climate resilient future. The Vanuatu Vehicle Emission Standards Policy Brief has been produced with the financial support of the Government of New Zealand under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) through the Pacific Regional Low Emissions Climate Resilient Development (LECRD) Program.